Preferred OS for playing Firestone

SMNN Community Poll
Just a friendly community poll to see

What do Firestone players prefer to game on :video_game:?

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Mac OS
  • Linux

0 voters

If u want me to add your missing OS just ask me

Windows XP


Bruh u can’t edit polls after minutes what is this communist system


This is why you add “other” :sob:

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Ok who are those people using Linux :skull:

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Me nerd

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i voted windows 11 purely because of the easier way to make multiple windows fit on your screen

easier than windows 10 and having to manually size everything

obviously this doesnt really mean anything to anyone else, but because im a lawyer i have like 7 laws open at one time and its just easier to have it all divied up instead of multiple tabs

@Miss_Katja loves your youtube videos

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What’s crackalacking leagalzombie


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