Below you’ll find my speech to the residents of Stapleton County and why you should vote in my favor for this special election.
I have been a part of the community for quite some time now, just recently picking up my activities again within Firestone. I’m currently employed as a Canine Officer within the Redwood Police department, and in a previous life, been a trooper with the State Patrol. This will be my first go at a political position within Firestone.
Being in law enforcement gives you a different outlook on situations non-law enforcement may not have, which gives you the ability to see both sides. Overall, I want to stay within Redwood City Council to gain enough experience to further my career and possibly make it to Congress. This speech will be kept short with no filler as I’m not going to lie to you about what I’m going to do while in the Council. Just know that I will vote with common sense and in a way that doesn’t hinder the residents of Redwood or law enforcement. Please note that if you’ve clicked on this post you must support me. If you want to. You should though. I’m very competent and everyone likes competence.
P.S. Please write “Support” below. I’d be highly upset if you voted for anyone else.