POST Problem

So my cert was removed a few weeks ago just because I abused the 911 system and incompetence. I was being shot in Redwood and the only people online were DHS. I feel like I was doing my job since DHS was all on CAPITAL meaning I couldn’t communicate with them and I was needing backup to help keep Redwood in order. There were no FSP or SCSO online to help either. I paged for both on FES and SCSO discord and no one responded. For “abuse” of the 911 system it wasn’t a prank nor was it spam and was directed towards emergency services. I told this to the POST administration and still got my cert removed. Also if you are apart of the POST adminisration it should be a primary job. The reason why is iiSouthernLaw was in SCSO and really wanted my cert to be removed so it wouldn’t look bad for his department. Instead of punishing me in SCSO he just removed my cert meaning the HICCOM couldn’t do anything.

So my questions is…

  • POST did the right thing
  • POST shouldn’t have done that

0 voters

If you have any questions for me DM me Clonemep#9054

Use distress signal, you hear it on all channels which means they could switch to your channel. :woman_shrugging:


I did no one helped @anon20714511

If you hit distress signal they would look at the channel and they would assess the situation from their. If they were busy protecting someone or handling a situation then they are busy. I am a former DHS Officer so I know that they would look at the PRMY Channel to see what was going on.


You did the right thing bro. That’s why I totally HATE firestone. It is a lot of time and works getting a POST cert and you invest a lot of your time into it and they revoke it for the smallest of things. That is very sad how they play around with POST certs like it’s nothing. The only thing you should have got if ANYTHING was a 3-5 day suspension from SCSO. This makes me really mad because I’ve seen southern law and I can tell, he is abusive and rude no offense man It’s the truth I can tell he wants to revoke and fire people to show who is the real ‘man’ around town. You should get your post cert back ASAP, and if you had a court case I’d be there watching. Look, yes you could have hit the distress signal but all you did was make a MISTAKE not even that big Pf and you get POST cert revoked and removed from SCSO :angry: This triggers me baddddd

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Were you on duty when this was going on?

Yes he was…

So then why didn’t you just switch to CPTL?

They can’t, only DHS.


Honestly sad. Pathetic attempt to cover up a failure.

This channel is classified and restricted to DHS only…

I’m neutral in this. If you were getting no help, oh well, no help. You can’t exactly call 911 while on-duty yourself. Another, you being fired was completely uncalled for. You were trying to get help when all options failed. It’s not like you can hit a big red button to alert all of them.
Your POST cert should be reinstated, and your position in SCSO given back.

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I frankly don’t see an issue with this. It seems that he exhausted all other efforts to get the attention of other units, which ultimately failed. He was in an emergency situation, with no other means of contacting help. It is not uncommon for law enforcement to relay information using their cell phones as opposed to the radio. It actually happens more than you think. If an officer can’t get a hold of dispatch using the radio, use the next best thing…a cell phone.

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I mean ultimately this is a kids game soo I don’t think they did the right thing

if dhs is in cptl it means we’re doing something important

we don’t hang around in capital just because we want to avoid you

if dhs can’t come to your aid then tough luck, just page someone else in fes and wait for them

this is your fault & your problem, you deserved it. /shrug


Regardless of needing help, we never trained you in post to call 911 yourself, there is a pager discord for a reason. You did not prove competent enough to actually use your resources therefor you were removed.

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Pff what a load of crap if 1 mistake gets ur post cert revoked then im glad to be a criminal because apparently POST is a waste of children’s time LOL

I’ve been debating on this topic. I’ve thought about reinstating, but haven’t necessarily decided.

This wouldn’t have been a problem in the first place if you used your head. We have a pager for a reason, use it.

Regardless what you did shows incompetence - however, was a certification revoke too extreme? Possibly.

Pff what a load of crap if 1 mistake gets ur post cert revoked then im glad to be a criminal because apparently, POST is a waste of children’s time LOL

Since you are one of the criminals that go around hating on LEO’s every chance you get, surprised to see you so upset over certification revokes for incompetent behavior. What you said isn’t even entirely true. Please do some research before making accusations. Grammar may also help.


^^ Trueeee

Still waiting…