Post Debate Poll

what makes you think this?


cuz I express interest in the department and plan things that don’t make them sit at the base

this obviously included the war that atoll provoked and my campaign has expressed interest in the revival of special forces which will be looked at carefully since it had its issues and infighting 3 years ago but 3 years was a long time so it deserves to be reevaluated

and float’s done joint training exercises, the NY peacekeeping operation, the deployment during the gas crisis, etc.

did you do anything for FNG than sending them in to win one war in like… an hour or two?


(post deleted by author)

let them leave base more than they would normally for RP events or when times in county were uneasy - also did joint-training with the G4.

so one war makes you think you have the whole dept on your side?

is this the post debate debate in fs or the actual debate

you understand that
a. fng can’t endorse you anyway
b. fng wouldn’t endorse you anyway
c. a majority of guardsmen like float because he actually did stuff, your campaign is literally just “trust me bro”

all you say is “I will improve this by increasing roleplay opportunities!” and don’t articulate anything else



if only people liked the hatch act concept…

this has literally nothing to do with a hatch act, a hatch act limits political expression unnecessarily which is stupid


it prevents government entities from showing support to a political campaign.

im saying if it were in place everyone would know the statement from ash is false cause thats impossible!!

im also being somewhat sarcastic in my first reply because ik about its unpopularity.

p.s. im aware of how it wouldnt really be useful rn cause this topic really isn’t an issue in the state atm

no that doesn’t, the hatch act doesn’t restrict you supporting a specific candidate, it restricts using your office and position of authority to further that candidate. anyone can say FNG supports them because it can absolutely be true, FNG can’t run around screaming “i’m the majgen and i support candidate!”


yes it prevents government agencies from endorsing/supporting a political campaign or movement.

and has any government agency done so?

the hatch act was a useless idea


u little monkey can u not read omgomg

you are a bozo

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