Post Debate Poll

After watching the debate, who do you intend to vote for in the election? Feel free to discuss down below!

  • Ash1835 & scriblelz
  • Floatmanjason & Stamose

0 voters


float sweeped




ash stumbled and stammered throughout, he changed his views from “FNG support me” to “FNG support you float” in the span of like a few minutes, and is inconsistent about his policies; just trying to say what will get the public to vote for him


sweeped deez nuts

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Ash just repeated stuff float said he did as if it never happened. Ash also just said stuff that was an issue ages ago but really isnt rn. He also said the roleplay will be back how it once was, hello the rp rn so many businesses so many mass rps so many events what are you saying ash.


what debate were you watching

what debate were you watching?

false and misleading information


You said department of health needs work yet you turned round and said its doing really well the secretary is doing everything he needs to, we need doctors and nurses. Bro the secretary literally released doctor applications and hired nurses.


The actual debate? You said FNG was “on your back” and then said the intelligence services supported float.


it needs help nutty, however what is currently being done is working towards and effective department that will enhance roleplay, it is important for the next administration to ensure that everything is being done to know this continues and it’s just a matter of it’s efficacy

i believe i have the department as a whole, not a select few of individuals

ASH 2021 FLOAT 2022

@Ash1835 I understand that you’ve placed a lot of emphasis on newer businesses and employers in the public sector. You’ve also given a lot of time to employers, departments and businesses who are struggling, mentioning the Department of Health and Boating and Waterways. My question is: how do you plan on accommodating the needs of already established businesses and public sector employers, like the state patrol, sheriff’s office and fire department, alongside the needs of struggling services?


by ensuring there is an effective policy of transparency alongside growth and prosperity. just because a department or business is doing well doesn’t mean they’ll be accommodated differently or ignored. they may not be main focuses but that doesn’t mean concerns, suggestions etc. will be disregarded. it is important to maintain fairness and keeping an open mind and office. and reminding yourself that just because good times in “x” are are prevalent doesn’t mean things can be improved. this is what an ash administration will do.

Thank you for answering, Ash.


of course sir!

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bold of you to say and think that, don’t you ash?


Float and Stamose no doubt!