POST Certification Protection Act of 2024

POST Certification Protection Act of 2024

Chief Sponsor(s): DeltaTrigger
Co-Sponsor(s): Faachiano, thedamnfeds, b_aconxv

Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the State of Firestone in Congress assembled,

§1. Title

(a) This act shall be known, and may be cited as, the “PCPA2024

§2. Enactment

(a) This Bill shall go into effect as an Act of Congress upon completing the processes constitutionally required.

§3. Severability

(a) Should any part of this Act be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, then that part shall be severed with the rest remaining in full force and effect unless all is struck down and/or declared unenforceable.

§4. Enforcement

(a) This Act shall be enforced by the Peace Officer Standards and Training and the Firestone Courts.

§5. Definitions

(a) “POST Certification” shall be defined as the certification issued to an individual by the Peace Officer Standards and Training to indicate they are certified to execute the duties of a Law Enforcement Officer.

(b) “Certification Holder” shall be defined as a Citizen who holds a POST certification as defined within this section.

(c) 1. “Citizen” and “Firestone Citizen” Shall be defined as an individual who is ranked Middle Class Citizen or above in the State of Firestone Group.

(d) “Peace Officer Standards and Training” shall be defined as Firestone Peace Officer Standards and Training - Roblox

§6. Repealments

(a) This Act makes no repealments.

§7. Peace Officer Certification

(a) Citizens within the State of Firestone who hold a POST Certification shall have the undeniable right of protection against action taken on their certification on the basis of race, nationality, sexual orientation, sex, gender, political affiliation/ideology, religion or lack thereof, unrelated personal matters, and/or any other arbitrary measures judged to be unfairly discriminatory in relation to any personal or official matter.

(b) The Peace Officer Standards and Training shall be the only entity permitted to issue, revoke, or otherwise enact disciplinary or appellate measures on the POST certification of a Firestone Citizen.

(c) The Peace Officer Standards and Training shall be required to consistently maintain and update a database on a 3rd party platform of their choosing, consisting of all active, revoked, and suspended certifications to include a notation of any warnings, strikes, or other punitive action(s) enacted on the certification(s). This database must be public information at all times and easily accessible to the general public.

(d) The Peace Officer Standards and Training shall publish and maintain a clear and unambiguous code of conduct for certification holders which clearly prescribes the degree of punitive action for each offense. No individual shall be held to account for, or bothered with, an ambiguous offense alleged.

§8. Arbitrary Punishment

(a) “Arbitrary Punishment” is defined as Punishment that has no backing in regulation, policy, or law; Punishment whose policy, law, or regulation prescribing it is ambiguous, or unclear, or a violation of a constitutional right or privilege or statutory enactment; Punishment with no factual backing; Punishment outside and beyond what is explicitly prescribed in policy; or Punishment that takes no accounting of mitigating factors, circumstances, or liabilities.

(b) The Peace Officer Standards and Training shall be prohibited from enacting Arbitrary Punishment on a citizens POST Certification.

§9. Certification Regulations

(a) All certification holders shall retain the right to be informed of accusations against them prior to official enactment of punitive action against their POST Certification. The Peace Officer Standards and Training must, at a minimum, be able to prove that it is more likely than not that the certification holder is the one who was involved in the specified incident(s) or violation(s) before issuing punitive action on their POST certification.

(b) Certification Holders who believe their certification has been wrongfully revoked; that they were falsely identified and their certification was penalized for the actions of another; that their actions resulting in punitive measure(s) were not in violation of the established code of conduct; or that the punitive action enacted on their POST certification was not adherent to the established code of conduct shall retain the right to appeal with the Peace Officer Standards and Training, without time restriction, through a method detailed in the regulations of the Peace Officer Standards and Training. Should a certification holder’s appeal be unsuccessful, they shall retain the right to pursue redress within Firestone Civil Court if the Peace Officer Standards and Training breached the law at any point during the disciplinary or appeals process. Should a certification holder’s civil court case be successful, it shall be the responsibility of the Peace Officer Standards and Training to rectify the damage(s) done to the certification holder as well as can reasonably be expected.

(c) By continuing to maintain an active POST Certification within the State of Firestone, it is assumed all POST certification holders agree to abide by the code of conduct established by the Peace Officer Standards and Training intended for certification holders, so long as the code of conduct is in compliance with state law.


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