POST Applications And others

Hello, I am fairly new to Roblox Applications and Have seen myself struggling with them. For example, I applied for POST and got declined in Phase 1, Which made me Upset sense They do not make public how they grade Phase 1, So even if you had the Best application and it made me question even applying if I am getting denied for a reason I cant find out, it does not matter Because you failed phase 1, I also applied for FDPW and got declined at the High command phase (those are the main applications I have took) does anyone have any tips If so please tell me! Also, is it worth writing all of these things for a Lego game? I also heard that Firestone’s RP is dying and that I should not apply.

If you’re applying for a department or an academy (such as that of POST), use a word document.

On that word document, make a list of all the questions listed on the application you wish to complete. Then start by simply bullet-pointing key facts that you’d like to include within your application.

To expand on those bullet-points, link 2 or 3 of them together in sentences and explain them thoroughly. Try to include as much detail as you can and relate your points to the department/academy you are applying for.

You won’t always start an application and be able to talk about the months of experience you have in another department, but that’s ok, everybody starts somewhere - you gain it as you progress.

If you ever get stuck, don’t be afraid to ask your peers or someone in the department/academy that you’re applying for. Sometimes they’ll be able to help!

I hope this helps you out a bit.


I recommend perhaps at your stage to get Grammarly or as Dan said to use a word/google doc document, Grammarly is a free plugin and will help correct your grammar and some of your punctuation for you, a lot of people use it so you know it’ll work. You don’t need to write essays upon essays for Firestone, we don’t expect that for starting departments. Firestone RP is not really dying, you should apply if you want to :smiley: keep trying and you’ll make it eventually, I believe in you.

Some other tips I have is

  • Proofread your answers before you move onto the next question making sure it sounds right (ask yourself, would you pass this?)
  • At the end, double-check every single answer making sure you put a lot of effort and care into your answers and make sure they sound good.
  • If you get really stuck on an answer maybe look up keywords and see what real people would put for a real job application.

Lastly don’t get too upset or put down because you get denied, a lot of people do, failure is a part of the journey to success! :blush:


what those two said, also make sure to use proper grammar!


Hi POST AO here, you failed the profile check, it had nothing to do with your actual application


Thanks to you all for giving me suggestions I will definitely use them!

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Ive been AO in… uh… 3 departments now I think? here’s some tips

Quality over quantity.
Grammar. Grammar grammar grammar. We go harder on that then you think… (In FFA we pasted everything into Grammarly and if it was under a 80 that was a potential cause for a fail)
Dont fake stuff, we can tell. (Eg records, disciplinary action, etc. we find stuff)
Don’t fluff stuff up. Tell it as it is, and move on.
Pre write it on a document, and read it. Ask yourself “If I were a AO, would this stand out to me? Or does it sound plain/average.”

Good luck!


If you’ve ever applied to a real job, that’s great experience. However you must consider Firestone considers your account as well, make sure you have things like inventory open, no stolen assets, show you aren’t an obvious alt, etc. “Entry-level” departments are not as strict on this but it’s still good to make sure.


Download - Grammarly

How do I pass the Phase 1?

If you failed once it’s not ideal to reapply for a while

hmmmm Ok :frowning:

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