So yeah, today i got arrested for Assault with a Deadly Weapon as I, in the chaos of a car theft, used force toward the end of the incident that has been deemed unnecessary, and as such the Court has refused to null me record which is fair enough. I figure I might as well go out with a bang here as it’s likely when the FBI and House wake up shit is gonna hit the fan.
Vote Below
- DannyboyLaw Should be Impeached
- DannyboyLaw Should Just Resign
- DannyboyLaw Should Keep His Office
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I’d also like to mention the irony that the only reason Assault w/ a Deadly is a charge is because i made it so when I was a Senator.
10/10 “Would do again” - IGN
Danny is my dad, please no impeach or resign 
He good boi, big boi judge.
You can always try to get it expunged or something danny.
Oh, as it may look bias if the verdict is that the arrest was false I suppose?
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danny i stg if you resign i will come through this screen and strangle you
and yes i came back just to say this
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No they ruled the force I used at the end of the incident was unlawful by negligence though
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how about we dont impeach him and he keeps office. otherwise what would we do without danny. ok thanks for reading. fbi dont do anything just lay back and relax kthx
As of judges may face impeachment and a conviction should they commit a crime he broke the law he should be impeached No one is above the constitution wasnt that the deal was fed?
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go out with this
anyways so
this is dumb as hell
the fbi don’t listen to the people
so danny bye bye
although I want danny to stay
the favortism here is striking
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