Poll; make it frp to shoot from trees?

okay so recently in v2, it has become a common occurrence for criminals to abuse the retardation and glitchiness of trees to their advantage during shootout scenarios.

for clarification, i am not complaining about hiding inside trees to avoid detection, rather about criminals abusing the fact that shooting into trees is impossible, hiding inside of them and giving themselves a literal tree forcefield, making themselves practically invincible in shootouts, ruining the experience of shootouts.

as seen in this clip, the shooter hides inside of a tree (for context they purposefully did this, their car had all their tyres and they had full opportunity to keep evading, but chose to stop and run into the tree), making themselves impossible to detect, before sending their bullets my way with minimal way of countering it.

in this clip, i arrive on scene again, within this time the shooter took down another swat operative and 2 patrol units, you can see i get a couple hitmarkers at the start, before the gun stops working entirely (bearing in mind im still holding left click on them, the gun just broke), and all it’s bullets stray off into space. it was claimed that this issue was fixed by envelope, however it is clear it isnt.

so, what is your guy’s opinions on this? i personally feel a game rule should be established to prevent the use of firearms from trees

  • make it frp to shoot from trees
  • don’t make it frp to shoot from trees

0 voters


skill issue1


skill issue2


skill issue3


if trees dont have collisions why do they block bullets, it makes no sense


skill issue4


dont mean to be that person, but bullet went through the tree


literally yesterday after a pursuit crashed, the driver hopped out and led us on a chase into the tree mesh part then pulls out a gun and starts shooting in and out.


if it happens and you record it, submit a ban request and we will talk amongst the game mod team and decide if we believe what they did is frp


The trees in V2 are very old free models. What it is is a part which you can walk through and has a mesh that is much bigger than the part. The problem is that the invisible part in the centre acts the same way as doors in V2.

You can walk through doors without a problem but you can’t shoot through them. I’ll attach an image to show you the invisible part in a tree

If you’re inside of that square, ROBLOX allows you to fire out of the block at anyone. However if you’re out of the block trying to shoot into it, the sides of the block will stop the bullet before it hits the person inside.

@wierdo25 The problem isn’t the tree trunk itself, it’s the part in the centre.


it’s quite hard to identify people for a ban request when you repeatedly die to them tho


Sorry adding onto this, it is possible to make the part much smaller but it would mean removing the mesh, resizing the part down, then adding the mesh back in. There are tons of the same type of trees in V2, it would require a lot of effort to delete and resize all of the trees to avoid this problem, so game moderation would probably be an easier option for the developers instead of actually dedicating time to fixing it mechanically


you asshole


If the guns use raycasting they could also be configured to ignore the part on trees, but how much time this would take depends how organised or disorganised the workspace is.


skill issue5


I doubt it’ll ever happen sadly, I am not 100% up to date with the developers but I am pretty certain we’ve never had a solid weapons developer to be able to fix or create a decent weapons system. We all know first hand how shit the weapons are currently and how bad they’ve been throughout V2. Never have had decent weapons in any version


I agree w/ you that is being abused a lot lately, but if you’re stating that its hard to find the person shooting, wouldn’t it make the rule essentially unenforceable in most cases


fbi has a detective kit


Although the occurrence of this is frustrating, it’s also difficult to enforce due to the inability to identify the culprit unless a game moderator happens to witness it.

However, if it does occur and you’re able to identify the culprit, please do make sure to send any photos/videos to the game moderation the as we will discuss it and take action upon it on a case-by-case basis.

Just to be clear though, don’t report it with the expectation for sanction(s) to follow as it’s a difficult to assess. It’s more of a roblox game physics issue.


well, i mean it’s difficult to identify if you keep dying to them, let’s say you do down them and their money isn’t stolen, you could page fbi to scan it, but then again that takes time.

i think having an offical rule announced and put in place would be enough to deter most criminals from doing it and supress the issue. identification issues are present across all game moderation aspects