Please take the time to read this. (Please Take Action)

A lot of you might know me from my work in the Department of Homeland Security’s Intelligence Office. I have worked on many cases protecting enemies from Firestone. I have taken part in many missions to protect this amazing state we have from foreign aggression. We did a damn good job of it too because so far Firestone has won both official and unofficial battles it was involved with. But that isn’t the reason why I am writing this letter speaking my mind. I had the honor to work on the Water case. There were a lot of disturbing things that happened. Some more extreme than others. The investigation might not have proven there was indeed treason. But one thing It proved is the fact that WaterLostic is indeed a bully. This man has gone out of his way to bully senators & troopers where his former employees . I have so far interviewed 10 of the 18 individuals involved in this case. Water had gotten to them somehow. The biggest one of all was when he told the people in the voice chat to go to Ijakes discord and tell him to leave Roblox. He wasn’t man enough to do his dirty work so he sent other people to do it for me. Ijake was sent many letters telling him to leave Roblox. The worst part about this all was the fact that there is no law or bill that deals with bullying in Firestone which I will work to change. I rarely get ticked off by a case but this one hit a nerve. A promise I made to myself both real life and in this virtual world was to protect those without a voice. To protect those who are weak or scared to stand up for themselves against bullies like water. He harassed and bullied countless people that we might not know. But I have 8 of the 15 that have confirmed my suspicions. I will not stand to watch this state be taken over by a bully not now not EVER!!. I will fight for anyone and everyone and if it costs me my career so be it. I just want you the people who have no clue what is going on know that water is indeed a bully. One that wants to be amongst our midst once again. I am pretty sure it is at all cost with no regard to other peoples feeling. This is not the last of this story as I am sure. Because once water comes back within a week, he will be holding a powerful position like it was waiting for him as we have seen him become DPS hiccom within a day. A luxury which I or you don’t have because we worked so hard to be where we are at today. I hope you stand up to water and all bullies both real life and in here. Because believe me when I tell you this, if you watch on the sideline and do nothing about this, You are no different than the bully himself. There is no bystander in this fight against bullies, I hope you do join me in arms and stand up to all bullies wherever they might be. In the meantime dm your local House rep and senator to make and support a bill protecting our citizens from domestic and foreign bullies. When the time comes and water comes after you if ever please dm me anytime I am your voice and I will risk it all to protect you from that bully.
PS: if you think simple blocking would stop a bully your are naive and should really not be part of this fight. Cyberbullying has claimed lives of many kids. Parents that lost their son or daughter. Brothers that lost their sisters. Sisters that lost their brothers. Please go to the and tell them “they should have blocked them like that is some sort of magic potion”. It is not that simple.


tl;dr version of this?


tl;dr WaterLostic is a bully, DM the senate and house to make a bill to protect citizens from bullies, foreign or domestic. That’s basically what the tl;dr version is


Anybody who harasses anyone else in the Firestone Discord can and will be handled administratively via the Co-Founders and Founders. However, we were never notified of such events.


btw how long does it take to get unbanned from discord, its been like 5 months


This happens in all department. SCSO had Captain B_ear cursing out deputies on the daily. If we are going to take action on one person launch an investigation on all departments and ensure each department is being “nice” to it’s members.

Although, we have no “Human Resources” or actual regulations on how High Command can and can not communicate with their members. Hell, I was even suspended for addressed concerns of High Command in departments verbally abusing their members. DPS needs to set standards on how they can talk to their members but currently there is no rule they are braking.


I’m sorry kids but if you are in a discord that you feel like you are being harassed or bullied either leave it or block the user really, we can’t control peoples discord that they own

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Don’t take the following words offensive but what the fuck are you on?? Do you think a bully will stop just because he was blocked??? Do you think it’s that easy? because if you do that makes you part of the problem. Bullies feed on peoples fears and intimidation. You block them they make another account or worst they are your boss. I have seen this shit happen. Please don’t be naive enough to think a block button is some magic potion that makes bullies go poof. If it was bullying wouldn’t be a problem that would reach congress here in the United States.


As I stated, we can’t control other peoples discord. If you have a problem literally block the users or leave the discord.

You aren’t obligated to be in that discord

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It’s still bullying, and it’s still under Firestone; justice should still be served.

If it happened in the FSP Discord, then he is obligated to be in that Discord.


There is difference between in real life bullying and virtual bullying. One is hard to stop and one is easy to stop if you try avoiding it.

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Well if you can’t fight for them for whatever reasons you have, I am telling them not to leave the discord. I will fucking fight for them however long in takes. Bullying how no stay here In Firestone or discord. If it means exposing that bully best beleive am all over that shit.

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If you are being bullied online, then block him, its quite simple

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Discord really has this nice feature of blocking if you don’t want to leave the discord

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Sean if you think it’s that simple I am sadly to say you are naive. If you think a block button fixes a problem then you are truly naive asf.


“One is easy to stop if you try avoiding it”

That kind of thinking doesn’t make sense. If that were so, then cyberbullying wouldn’t be a recognized crime in the United States, nor would it be a serious problem in the United Nations.

It’s not that simple.
It doesn’t take a thousand words or an hour of harassment to be affected by bullying; it only takes one word. Just by saying “leave” out of the blue - something that someone didn’t prepare for - can seriously affect someone.

Blocking people can help stop the bullying from escalating, but it doesn’t stop the bullying from already happening.


What if he’s your boss? god forbid? what then? Because water was and will be in position of power?


I’m sorry but do you know who is in the other screen and what country they are from? no? then its hard to stop

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Who said god forbid you block your boss? heck sometimes I block my actual bosses when I was a freelancer

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