Please Rebalance Store Robberies

Ya see here’s the funny part- you see multiple people observing this issue and saying “ohmagawd just call out dhs ez” and that would be a easy solution right? WRONG

While yes DHS does have the ability to be M/Aed, anytime they are, it is met with forum posts such as this Nerf DHS - #16 by tthelakes or is met with the spamming of the DMs of fedora and developers and at the end of the day DHS is forced to reevaluate how they conduct their mutual aid policy? simple fix right? NOPE

When DHS reevaluates their policy to avoid constantly being on M/A it is then met with reactions such as this one

tdlr; just remove DHS from the robbery calculation system- it fixes the issue AND doesn’t put the stress on them of having to decide between either helping with the robberies and causing criminals to have a temper tantrum or not helping with the robberies and causing LEOs to have a temper tantrum