Please Rebalance Store Robberies

Please remove DHS from the calculations of robberies and burglaries besides Feds and Manor. I am legit in a server rn where it’s two FSP, an RPD, and MP/CG and there’s store robberies across the map simultaneously. It’s just not doable. This has been going on for weeks. Servers where there’s like 7 DHS, 4-5 actual patrol LEOs, and all those LEOs do is respond from robbery to robbery—often multiple simultaneously.

This makes it impossible to balance the economy for crimes. Likewise, it makes it so cops are so preoccupied going from robbery to robbery that they struggle to do actual calls for civs.

Furthermore, why can two, even THREE robberies occur at the same time man. Each call takes pretty much every patrol LEO available because everyone and their mother has an AK.


I was on earlier it was me and two fsp and a whole bunch of DHS and me and those two FSP could not handle the call volume of like 6 911 calls coming in a 2 minute period


pre-fed saying “this issue will be resolved in v3”


Nah it doesn’t make sense because it’ll make the game more in favor for cops over crims!

But seriously tho, this makes the crim community way OP. It’ll be nice to have the calls only apply to patrol agencies and FBI (I have not considered tree police because we don’t have tree banks)

the tree police can respond to HV bank iirc but I’m not 100% sure

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This right here is crazy. I was on as ASU and I had to page even more ASU to get on and help. Then when I got off, they got on and requested for ASU. We’ve been paged consistently throughout the last few days non stop. So yes I think you need to remove DHS from the robbery calculations as it’s not fair.

There’s a saying going around like “We wanna make the community better”, “We think people may like this”, “This is cool”, when in reality, it’s not.

I’m not bashing or any but you have to take what the community are suggesting l, acknowledge it, and respectfully handle the situation as the LEO ratio COULD be affected as I highly doubt people want to consistently playing like this.

When DHS is on anyway and there’s a state unit, DHS would need proper Mutual Aid anyway if I’m not mistaken, correct me if I’m wrong though, so it just doesn’t make sense to me.

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Depending on what division they are in DHS majority of DHS should not be responding to common store robbery calls but with the lack of balance DHS is forced to respond or the glock 19 warriors of standard patrol leo will not win a fight against a ak47 and a mcclaren

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I believe how it’s scripted is that all the banks are defined under the property of “bank” since those robberies and buildings are copies but just at different locations

I was on as ASU yesterday and something seemed off when I kept seeing a bunch of calls coming in. I didn’t know DHS was apart of their calculations…

Like i posted up further up the thread me and the two fsp got swamped with calls cause there was like 5 dhs on and they were focused on a possible capitol attack

Also if you guys are having issues, you can always give DHS MA to assist…

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But then imagine if we consistently called DHS over SWAT and you see DHS on the streets for than SWAT, that just doesn’t make sense to me again.

if they are on, just ask them to respond. it’s not rocket science

Or hear me out… just callout DHS!

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With the given state of robbery calls that risen, fed is gonna side with the crims when enough complain that they keep getting merked by dhs. This is to consider if robbery calls go off constantly like they are currently. However they also spend most of their time in their respective channels as well so it’s theoretically difficult to MA

My main thing here as well. Like no one can even access that channel if they’re on Matt. Then if we page in the discord with like 12 DHS on, they’re gonna have a fit.

i find it stupid that the person making this post isnt even even a state wide LEO.

The robberies for years have been made that:

2 bank robs can occur at the same time OR 3 store robberies at the same time

this of course means 1 bank and 1 store can occur at the same time.

However, after said robbery there is a 15 minute cooldown in that location.

I was also told that DHS have statewide juris (if no scso/fsp on) so they can respond to those robberies, and then go back to capitol or whatever when theres more leos on

And they don’t. And quite frankly, shouldn’t.

Oh my lord, please fix this devs! I am tired of back to back robberies in arborfield…

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