Petition to ensure courtroom safety

You’re sitting in a court case enjoying the defense scream objection to an opening statement then, ZAP! You’re tazed with a gear that has terrible aim and is targeting a loud mouth audience member who says he has a gun. In most court cases I have seen this is the situation that occurs. The gear is incredibly unconventional and useless. I recommend baliff’s be given a less destructive tool or they use admin to deal with these disturbances.

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how about you just not go to these cases

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There are no objections in opening statements.


They still scream it

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Not in my damn courtroom they dont

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“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in a large group.” -George Carlin

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i was tempted to in the celastrino case only because there was even more bia in the jury after i got kicke dout

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As a new balliff I can tell you that the rules state your not allowed to use the Tazer unless in a srs situation

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lol I’m currently in judge training and the first thing I’m told is that there are no objections during opening statements lmaoo

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You’re right! Why use the taser when I can just run :ban commands! I’d say I spend a solid 5-10 minutes of my trials just throwing out bans. It’s great, really pisses people off.

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that’s what I was gonna say danny!


As I’ve noticed

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I would prefer them being banned over the entire court case turning into a shitshow with discharged tasers and beatings going on in the seat next to me.

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