Petition to Congress to Reestablish DOBW

no boats

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i did not say it couldn’t be revived

just doesn’t need to be

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DOPW is the Congress of the water


what a jokester you are

In v3, DOBW Is going to be vital for the waterways. if it goes unregulated (DOBW institutes regulations) waterways will be a total clusterfuck

I was embarrassed to be dobw associate secretary
and the fact pondzery helped supported the protest
and got it abolished

still useless

and the fact rn that pondzery is trying to ruin me

If you were embarrassed you should’ve quit lmao

How am I trying to ruin you

Petition to bring boats back to Stapleton County.


I support this if boats are brought back, we only need good leadership in the department and then it would be fine.

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Yea, ash and I were working on it. And yeah then they shut us down

cause u kept doing annoying cringee stuff like publishing “water test results”

that was roleplay

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DOBW doesn’t do shit, so that’s gonna be a No from me dog

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It does do shit.

m. e. m. e.

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No reason for DoBW for why bring it back? It was removed for a reason.

V3. You do realize that right?

I know I said it wrong to
but what everyone said is wrong
it no called “v3”