Petition to congress to hold straphos accountable for his actions

Ever since straphos became sheriff of the SCSO, he has improved SCSO and made SCSO better then the past administration.

However, we must hold our leaders accountable for their actions that they do both onduty and offduty that violate any laws. Our leaders such as superintendent, sheriff, secretary, etc are not above the law regardless of popularity, respect, actions done in office, etc.


Citizens have the right to petition against the government or any other business or agency without fear of punishment for doing so. The government is not obliged to act on petitions, although are obliged to give a response at thirty (30) signatures, and Congress shall be willing to consider creating appropriate legislation at one-hundred (100) signatures.

What has straphos done wrong?

As seen in this video, Sergeant TF30M of the Firestone State Patrol is hit by a black jeep that failed to stop for 3 seconds before turning right on a red light. As made illegal in section 2B of a bill to redefine running a red light.

The black jeep then flees the scene of the accident, and that is hit and run, as defined in section 2 of A Bill to Recognize Felony/Misdemeanor Hit & Runs and Accidents

As seen later in the video, the driver identifies himself as straphos as he is being pulled over for running a red light, causing an accident, and committing hit and run. In the end of the video sheriff Straphos denies the allegation saying “he did not run the red light” when indeed he did, as seen in the video.

It is very frustrating to see that a Sherrif of the Stapleton County Sherrifs Office decides to run a red light and commit another misdomeanor of hit and run off duty (not felony since no one was injured), and lying about it too. Therefore I petition against his actions as we should hold our leaders accountable.


Section 2: Any individual who commits a felony or misdemeanor hit & run shall be charged with the proper justifications of which shall be later described within this legislation. Any individual who uses a vehicle and collides with another another vehicle, not causing any injuries, but doesn’t stop shall be charged with a Misdemeanor Hit & Run; the punishment of this charge shall be stated within ‘Section 2B” of this legislation. Any individual who uses a vehicle and collides with another vehicle, or hits a pedestrian, causing either an injury or death, and does not stop, shall be charged with a Felony Hit & Run; the punishment of this charge shall be stated within “Section 2C” of this legislation.

Section 2B: Section 2F of ‘A Bill to Update the Established Road Laws’ shall now read: All drivers will have the ability to turn right on a red light unless if there is a red arrow in the direction a driver wishes to turn, or a sign that disallows the said action. Drivers shall be mandated to stop at any red light they come upon for a minimum of three seconds before being allowed turn right onto the new road. Any individual using a vehicle that drives through an intersection, road, street, etc, and turns right on red without stopping, when a red light appears on a traffic light shall be charged with Running a Red Light.

Laws Sheriff Straphos violated in this video:

Running a red light (infraction)

Hit and run (misdomeanor)

Causing an accident

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I noticed the criminal case against Straph for this, and i have to disagree with it all. Straph followed the road laws, and the Trooper struck him technically. I had a hunch and was sent information by the car developer that Straph likely didn’t see, or even detect he hit First. Straph’s car is hit, but shows no signs and keeps on moving, while First spazzes out behind him, this is a server issue involving ping. Furthermore, when he noticed he had apparently struck First (when First pulled him over), he stopped. I’m all for holding GOs accountable, but unlike my predecessor I will not be starting witch hunts against GOs over stupid crap. I feel that if the driver wasn’t Straphos, the Sheriff, this likely wouldn’t have been an issue worth a case or publicity.


Even if straphos did not cause the accident due to lag, he is still required to stop at the scene of the accident.

And there is no proof of lag that straphos had.

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How can you stop if, as far you know, you weren’t hit? And he did stop upon being notified he had done so

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Is there proof that he did not know he was not hit?

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The person who scripted the cars explaining how they work…? And it’s fairly obvious. Notice how his vehicle was not affected at all by being hit at like 50-60 SPS and kept on moving?

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But why did he still run the red light?

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Ok. You want me to charge him with a traffic violation…? Or have him impeached over it…?

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im all for holding people accountable as shown by my FSPGate thread, but this is clearly a witch hunt

did straphos violate traffic laws? yeah he did, and he should be cited for those infractions. should he be removed from his position for such minor infractions? no, not at all

he was clearly at the position he was at to check out the 50K update statue, as you can clearly see 4 other vehicles there (that weren’t even LEO’s) one even being parked on the hill as shown in the video


i do believe he should be held accountable for his traffic violations, but it should be no more than a citation at most. sorry to say but people don’t get fired IRL for speeding, let alone running a red light. hell i even received a ticket for running a stop sign, but i don’t see any legal repercussions besides paying a ticket (irl).

does this look bad on him as a department leader? absolutely. he shouldn’t be breaking any laws, whether those laws be traffic laws or more serious laws. as a department head it is his job to set the example, and the example he sets here is that it’s not a big deal to violate traffic laws.

he should issue an apology and state that this type of behavior isn’t allowed from anyone within his department as-well as assure his department members that it will never happen again. other then that give him a citation and let it be done with


Since i was unaware that the reasoning for his car accident was a lag based problem, I would like this thread to be locked @DannyboyJurist

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hello straphos!

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sup straphos

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Man people will do anything to get Department Heads in Firestone fired. This is why we have so many issues in Firestone because of Power Hungry 10 year olds that say “i cAlL fOr tHe ReSiGnAtIoN oF sTrApHoS”


I was unaware at the time of writing this that the reason for his hit and run was due to lag, therefore I am cancelling this petition. And theres no way for me to be power hungry as I am not in SCSO (i would not get a promotion from a firing of a sheriff.

Plus he was literally turning and you rammed right into him

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( was not me in the video btw )

He did commit running a red light because he did not stop for 3 seconds before turning right, however that is not worthy of a congress hearing for straphos

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Ik I’m just saying, its whatever, cased close I guess.

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OP request

let it be known that taking the hit and run out of the equation he still made an illegal u-turn & didn’t come to a 3 second stop at the red light which means he ran the red



Here are screenshots of Firestone developers justifying my point of desync along with myself being extremely confused upon being told I hit him.

My car did not collide with his car on my screen, hence why my car didn’t go bonkers upon colliding with his. Additionally, he hit my car, I didn’t hit his - so I could say the same charges to him?

Should I have fully stopped at the red instead of slowing down? Sure.
Should I have not done that quick U-Turn? Sure.

But that isn’t a reason to sue, arrest, or impeach - that’s what I call a “verbal warning” (because I’m a laid back guy on duty)

You guys are looking for the slightest things to prove that I’m guilty, and trying to get me removed - because Firestone is so obsessed with this idea of big situations and conflict happening within the community. I don’t think me doing that illegal U-turn was correct, and surely I’ll apologize, but this is all just extremely stretched out of proportion.