Peanut butter sandwich with potato chips and banana on top poll

do i eat a peanut butter sandwich with potato chips and banana on top

  • yes
  • no
0 voters

suggestion from fellow felon t_xom @T_xom

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8.21 / 10

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I’d go to the ER if I had peanut butter!

Thanks for ruining potato chips for me.

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this should be illegal

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what typa pb though :thinking:

That is so vile.

some dollar general brand

I initially voted yes and then saw this monstrosity and now I am retracting my yes vote


I think you should invest in a plate.


Saying fellow felon suggests you are also a felon.

You got some explaining to do pal.

After making this? No wonder he’s a felon.


this is disgusting and should be against the law


nuh uh

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