P_olishRBLX for Stapleton County Council
I. Introduction
Hello! I am P_olishRBLX and I am running for the 2022 June Stapleton County Council elections. Before I share with you my goals, I’d like to share some things about myself.
I have been in roblox states for 6+ years. Throughout my time in various ro-states, I have learned many things about politics and law. When I first started my Firestone career in 2020, I took on the goal of becoming POST certified, in which I was successful in. After becoming POST certified, I decided to apply for the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office deputy. I worked my way up to Deputy First Class in the training division before I resigned.
I now work for the Firestone Department of Commerce as a public affairs office employee. Alongside the department of commerce, I also work as a public employee in the Firestone Department Public Works.
To view my expanded resume in other ro-states, you may do so here.
II. Plans
If elected into office, my main goal will be to strengthen the presence of the private sector in Stapleton County. The private sector of Firestone is what makes Firestone. There is no other ro-state with a big private sector like Firestone, which is something I am proud of. To keep Firestone as the ro-state with the biggest private sector, I plan to work with many businesses so they can work with municipalities.
You may ask, “P_olishRBLX, how are you going to accomplish this?”. Well, I already have experience with connecting the private sector to the public as I work for the Firestone Department of Commerce. To start off, in order for a business to strive, they need to be recognized by the public. I plan on using my power as a council member to establish a influential public relations office. I’ve noticed that the bill to establish an office on public relations in Stapleton County has been retired. I plan on creating a similar bill to establish a public relations office. I will make sure to outline in the bill that they will have the responsibility of raising awareness about upcoming businesses. Throughout my career as a council member, I will strive to vote on bills and create bills that support businesses.
III. Conclusion
To wrap up my speech, I hope you exercise your right to vote for me to be one of the Stapleton County Council members. If you have any questions or concerns, do not be afraid to reach out to me via Discord messages.