New V3 Department Idea


Department Idea
I have been thinking of this idea for a while and I thought that I’d share it here, I am open to constructive criticism and straight-up denial.

The Idea:
So with the addition of the port authority, I wanted to share this and thought that this department might be interesting to add for the port authority to manage. My idea is to add a Department of Logistics or Department of Distribution (or both). They would drive vans, trucks, etc. to destinations such as businesses, dealerships, other departments and the port itself.

What would they do?:
So as said before they would use trucks to distribute goods across the state. These trucks can be used by players (that go through training) and they can range from simple vans to large hauliers. Also, I have mentioned before that they can transport goods to other departments, this could be weaponry to FNG or tools/equipment to DPW and DOT, they may also transport to businesses, however, this could be left to private businesses, or dealerships (using a car trailer). Some routes may be restricted to senior operators or specially certified operators, these could be, for example, the weaponry or wide load trailers. I feel like this would make highways/roads more alive.

Additional points:
Pay - Firestone can use a different type of pay instead of the per-minute like other departments. They can make it so with each route you finish you will get paid depending on the type, length and time that you deliver the product(s).

Restrictions - Some trailers and trucks might have road/town restrictions for example a detached trailer + cab wouldn’t go through a country road with one lane. Or at least it isn’t that common.

SubDivision - This could be a division in DOT considering transportation is what the department does. However, this is up to Fed.

If you have any ideas that you would like to add to this then please do. And I will say this again, I am open to constructive criticism and straight-up denial.


sounds more like a founder supported buisness more then a department imo, you don’t see the gov irl doing delivery stuff


please no more departments…


this is cool


trucking is probably something a business will be able to do in v3 no need for a dept

but that’s my personal take and a guess and not representative of anything developmental


sounds more like it should be an option available to all civilians to earn cash rather than a dept or business as some have said

the weaponry transport sounds like a good idea where criminals could ambush a protected convoy (due to the high risk of the equipment) and if successful be given some military grade weapons (in small quantity, high risk and not often convoys?)


I like this idea but I think if it was just a job that anyone could do at any time it would be fun. Maybe certain businesses could transport different goods such as weapons or gas equipment then it could work out well for both the main community and businesses because then it’s not just restricted to legal citizens


I own a delivery company so it’s not like commerce businesses aren’t allowed to do them and it’d probably make more sense for a business to do it than another pointless department.


Yeah I should probably change the title to department/ devsupportes business idea


Yeah maybe it could be a business not owned by commerce or a player. Something like the post delivery service in v3.

I like the criminal idea, will definitely give something to do for FNG checkpoints and port authority. Maybe criminals can steak into the trucks and get into restricted places without anyone knowing?


Sounds like more of a business, but if it were to be taken up by government then I think DOT or DPW would be best suited to take on those responsibilities.


Or you could just give people an incentive to join Port Authority by giving them control over it…

Not to offend you or anything but this department sounds like it would be in a society like what is seen in The Giver.


I’m a bit 50/50 about it. Like, yeah, trucking etc would be a very good addition to the game. Having a department to have oversight over those truckers would also be a much needed addition.
Currently you have to be hired by DoA to become a pilot and then hired by a company to work for them in a pilots position. While I feel like a system like that could work for trucks, my major caveat is that the hiring process would grind the whole sector down like DoA is doing now. They only very rarely hire a handful of new people, which isn’t enough to provide the state with licenced people to be hired by those businesses, choking out those businesses too.

As long as we can secure the fact that new trucking certifications would be given out often by this new department, I’m all for it.


The whole point of businesses is that they’re owned and run by players. Even businesses that exist in Fedlaw still have an owner and staff team and are all licensed by commerce.


I like the idea just the two issues I have is that it’ll mean only dot can access them and the fact that it’d be a department. Like everyone else said, it should be a business. Also with the tractor trailer rigs, it could spark influence for weapon smuggling for crims or if they would somehow commit a gta v final heist, how can they if it’s gonna be department locked?

No need for it to be a department really because the state isn’t just about making up new departments and consider that businesses can make an opportunity for anyone who would like to drive a cargo van or a rig

I’m pretty sure @FoxyTheWereFox owns a company similar to this where they deliver things

yes I do

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I guess this could also be an idea for foxy’s, and any similar, business especially the RP aspect of the idea. Also, an idea to Fed (or whoever provides dev support) if he reads this so that he can provide dev support.

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port authority still seems like a placeholder group more then anything to be real w you

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So, in regards to my business, I coded a Discord bot today that allows employees to have AI calls created for them and they will be paid depending on what they’re delivering. (It is still being worked on, it took me like an hour to do and most of it was thinking of locations/items and syntax errors that everyone loves getting).