New SCFD stuff?

Apparently this stuff is going to be implemented for SCFD in SCV3. Checked boxes are things that were already made, but not scripted. Just putting this here so people can see it, a discussion.


What’s a Pram? What are triage tags and what does each one mean? What do science lights look like?


This is meant for EMS people.
PRAMs is kind of like a stretcher, that I believe A-73 carries, which I believe is ALS.
Triage Tags are how EMS identify who to treat first. Green = Fine, Yellow = Moderate, should treat, Red = Treat immedietly, black = dead.
All of this is just for people who know it, or are EMT-B Certified.
Your welcome


Where’d you get this

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My magical sources, and by that I mean SCFD discord…

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I gave Fed a list of tooks to be implemented and he made the list.

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PRAM - Stryker, bed with wheels used to transport patients.

Triage Tags - tags that comw in Black, Red, Yellow, or green, that color codes the injuries from what needs to be treated first to last to be treated, essentially.

Scene Lights - Lights that have a stand and are usually extremely bright. Think of like driving past construction scene at night, you see those real bright lights, pointing whete they are working.


Is it bad if you had to put black tags on 4 SS agents, 3 IO agents, 2 VIPS (Lt Gov and Gov) and a couple civs? And where do you put the tags?

(not a threat. just curious about this scenario. ples don’t put me on the watchlist)


Most time’s you would body bag them, and put the tags on their feet. We’re never trained where EXACTLY to put the tag’s. And your scenario would most likely literally never happen in the face of the Earth (sorry, SS is too good)

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SS is good. But no one is the best.

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Tags are usually put on the torso.
Black tags would mean they all died, so I guess you could say its bad depending on your relations with them.

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