bring back the previous paws rotation, or at least add a tracker so that we can find him. Before the paws update which no one was told of, paws went from white-motels-brown-hillview, 4 spots. after he was updating, he now has 8 spots, white-brown-hillview-motels-401-lunar shack-rw apts- and another. all of which are randomly spawned so you will literally have no way to find him. now its practically impossible to find guns unless you go to skull. and you will be lucky to even have a uzi in stock at that point, this makes it impossible to get guns, and getting guns at rage is literally a james bond mission. with dhs spawn being right next to rage, you literally can’t even get out a gun before having the entire county rush you if you’re a bolo. the previous rotation was perfectly fine, and it helped to be able to get guns even if there was a large ratio of cops to criminals on, but finding paws now is basically a 1 in a million chance.
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i think a cash for paws location type of system would be cool. ex: pay 750 fsd and u get his location.
a tiered system can also be incorporated where the more amount you pay it includes a timer of how long until his next rotation and for a lower tier, narrow down the location in which to search for paws. ex: you eliminate three of the spots u need to check
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Support, add a paws tracker
Not a bad idea.
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