So today I was speaking with someone today in VC and we were talking about how there should be more ways for criminals to make money and give everyone more of a purpose. It came to mind that criminals only, buy guns kill cops, and rob stores and this cycle continues. I was thinking maybe a system where criminals could obtain supplies and sell this supply to an NPC somewhere on the map.
An example of this which is what I’m thinking is something like a crate of weapons, or a crate of ammunition spawns somewhere on the map may be, once an hour or once every 2 hours and criminals would be able to take this crate and, find the PAWS dealer giving a somewhat realistic aspect of how the PAWS dealer gets his stock. Upon criminals giving this crate to the PAWS dealer, they would be rewarded with some sort of cash reward. I believe this would be interesting for criminals, as it would allow criminals to have a more diverse way to obtain money. This was just an idea that popped into my head but I wanted to see what other people thought of this.