New comer to Firestone Congress, VoteFiretreat21 (HOUSE)

Good Morning/Good Afternoon people of Firestone! I am firetreat21, proud citizen of Firestone and a strong political background. I hope to accomplish several things if I am elected to FS Congress. I have not had a successful political career in firestone previously, but i hope to change that this go round. I hope if elected to revise laws and create new ones that support this growing community, I am one dedicated individual and ready to take on the challenges of this state. If i am elected i can promise you change within this state working closely with our governor to ensure that. I might be new but give me a chance to prove to you what I know and what I can do not only for you but this gigantic community as well.
If you support me please write in the comments
Signed or Support


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What are you even running for


sounds like a good candidate if you ask me. support!

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House i need to edit that mb Mr.Lt Gov

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Not really much info, grammar is poor. I recommend writing a new speech tbh.

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Yes i am in the works of re-writing it sir.

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@Nerf2626 @storm527 @sharkfish82 revised and edited forum

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FS State Announcements

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