New Advertisement System

Good evening,

Firestone Forums now has a new addition of advertisement. This comes in efforts to raise further money to gain a longer uptime for the usage of this forums. We thought that instead of just getting badges for donating, people are able to “buy” a system that would benefit both parties.

The System

The advertising system allows you to create a topic that is pinned on the main page and on the respective category for 48 hours. After 48 hours, the topic will no longer be pinned.


The price for this is currently set at $1.50, but may change. All transaction is handled through stripe. You can view their Privacy Policy and their Terms of Service through their website. All respective legal information is available through them. Firestone Forums serves as the merchant and does not collect or store information through the advertisement page.

Getting Started?

You can head on to, which is also the redirect from the Advertise button at the top of every page. You need to purchase prior to making the thread. If the button is still ghosted, remember to refresh the page. If you forget to create a pinned topic, you will not lose that opportunity as you still have the credits stored on your account.

Refund Policy

After purchase, you will not receive a refund. All transaction is final. Should the system break, contact an Administrator or Moderator of the Forums and they will get back to you.


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