Natural Disasters: Would it be a good feature in V3?
Natural disasters, in my opinion, would improve the realism of V3 if they were added and give people something to do if they have no job/aren’t in a department. Think about it, wouldn’t you have fun running away from a tornado or trying to reach high ground during a flood/tsunami? It wouldn’t be too hard to implement. The only downside I can think of is that LEOs will have another thing to deal with on top of gangs and the high crime rate in Firestone. Tell me other good things and bad things about this. I don’t expect natural disasters to be implemented, but it’s a fun idea to tackle. Note: This isn’t a dev suggestion, I just want to see what we all think about it and have some discussion.
It wouldn’t be too hard to implement.
Excuse me? Try to script a tornado in roblox. If you got an example come back
Yes you’re right, I’m not a scripter myself so I really don’t have any say in how long it will take. I am just thinking hypothetically the devs can get it done with all the other work they can do. You have a good point, it’ll take some time.
Mod note: this kinda is a dev suggestion, granted with community feedback
v3 is on island so I guess tsunami would be cool to devastate all of firestone.
Its an interesting concept that would give the National Guard something more realistic to do and may as well be an interesting event to host. It would be hard to set up and do without the FRP and such.
mayflower agrees
but, definitely a cool idea. Doubt the devs will implement it.
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