Name of Firestone’s Currency?

  • Fire Stones
  • Money
  • Dollars
  • Small Firestone Flags

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If anyone has the real answer comment it with PROOF.

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Partially covered by my 10 page paper, it is currently The Firestone Dollar, or FSD.


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But we need to change it to Small firestone flags :laughing:


YES :joy::crazy_face:

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Tour guide: “As you can see in the bottom corner, you have 4000 small firestone fags flags, go buy yourself a crown victoria, the shithole of the car dealership”

It is illegal to even drive it on the highway. Saw a guy get pulled over for it and that started a big law war.

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I Thought it was called Firestone Credits

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Or FireCreds


Really? Ive passed mutiple LEO with that on the skyway and 410 and nothing has happened. But yeah, we need small firestone flags. Lets get a petition going lmao.

“Small firestone flags” sounds gay to me.

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Yeah. Things are changing. They had to create a law to protect DPW from getting pulled over for going slow due to sweeping.

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Our DOT trucks, and cars can only do 65 I think.

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Oof . I guess currency is a big topic with very political mid sets.

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Renaming the currency, or establishing a new one wont fix our economic issues. We are too far in debt, and inflated to go back. Going back would only set our economy on a worse track of inflation and possibly worse side effects. Read my 10 pages of why our economy is shit to get a better understanding of the economic crises we are in at the moment.


Lol I was thinking about that post after I made this thread.


Tow trucks go 73 at top speed. I think the F150s go 80 or 70. The taxi goes 60, like a normal CV.

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DPW sweepers can go top speed of 70 but we have to sweeping near 20 or 30.

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Speed limit is 80. So we still need a speed law for tow trucks and Taxi’s.

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Could you all get on topic…