My thoughts on people running for congress as their first government position

Only part that I like about the forums is the rants on it, so don’t stress.

Also I completely 100% agree!

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when i use to run for congress my first month i took a backseat and just watched and voted bills and didnt promise anything. After that I started to copy OfficerVideoGames templates and just learned from there. Congress isnt even hard and doesn’t require a lot of competence therefore I strongly feel like going through county is completely optional. The Reps/Senators just promise too much and then come out as disappointments once their first term ends, I don’t think its really them just being “incompetent” for the job, just promised more than they can give.


I can somewhat agree with that. Most candidates are competent and have experience in an FS Department, yet there are some I believe are extremely incompetent and that is simply my opinion. Other than that yes, county government was just a recommendation, it’s not what I did and I will still able to perform as a Senator. As long as you are able to fulfill the role of a congressperson it’s fine.

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I do agree with the statement but, I guess your word really didn’t get out that much. I’m now afraid of what going to happen in congress.



this aged poorly…


you can speak english and have a brain

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you’re a cabinet level secretary, have an understanding of how the government works, and you are fluent in english. also have common sense. youre obviously an exception to the starting at a lower level thing


no, this guy is incompetent

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