My Public Apology

You know Timothy some parts of your statement I agree with and some parts I don’t entirely agree with.

  1. As you would know as I stated in our dms when I was trying to explain somewhat of what I recall in the story is just the fact of what even happened in general. As I stated I don’t remember half of what happened considering I took a break of a few months considering the circumstances and I just felt as if I did stay in Firestone during this time period I took a break it’d be a mistake and It wouldn’t be the same. Some parts of the story I told you may not be in exact conjunction with the real story. It would be easier if you referred to FSPGate: Corruption and Deceit for more Information.

  2. As you stated you don’t feel as if I’m an quote " fit nomination to serve on a court where people are trusting that their case in its entirety can be allowed through a process and heard abroad without any influence of bias or confliction of Judicial Interest" I feel as if that statement in itself just dosen’t make quiet that much sense considering you were a former politician, and you should know that the court process has Appeals via other Justices serving on the District Court & even the Supreme Court if they aren’t satisfied enough. (Don’t take this as a personal attack). As you also stated you feel that I might have a bias or confliction of Judicial Interest. I disagree with that statement in itself as firstly if I was bias it would be clear in the case in which the defendant & or plaintiff can ask myself to recuse myself from the case in which I would be mandated to leave the case and let a separate Court Justice take over. Another fact is that to prevent even more bias I wouldn’t be able to preside over any case relating to SCSO or POST according to law for a period of 3 months to make sure I’m not bias in any related cases etc. There are a lot of laws in place to make sure what your specifically saying won’t happen. Its there for a good reason for Judicial Nominees and even current Justices to pay attention to and follow. Another fact

  3. You’ve also stated you have absolutely no problem with me recovering in the Legislative Branch or the Executive Branch. Well not sure if you’ve been paying attention lately, but I’ve managed to get back into the County Executive Branch into SCSO & SCSO:SWAT achieving the seniority rank of Deputy First Class helping out with intensive divisions within SWAT that were fortunately classified by the Governor for certain reasons that cannot be disclosed for obvious reasons. Moving on I’ve also managed to join the POST in which I’m also employed as an Junior Instructor in which I also somewhat helped in an internal issue with command and helped to get reforms and the new POST Discord up and running. Last but not certainly least I’ve also managed to land a job into the Department of Justice as a Public Defender. If you don’t necessarily know what that is I basically defend individuals that are being pressed charges on via the Department of Justice and I make sure they have a voice and representation in court no matter how bad the evidence is against them & or if there odds of winning the Court Case are low. I make sure they all get a chance no matter their race, religion, or ethnicity. Not to mention I was specifically invited to be an CFCT Instructor via POST Director max considering he’s seen all the hard work and effort I’ve put into this state even after FSP:GATE. He’s proud of what I’ve accomplished after what happened with FSP:GATE and hes happy to see me back and ready to see me putting forth my good hard working attitude for my future career(s).

I don’t think its a coincidence all of this is happening in all honesty. I came back from have a terrible reputation to having a stable reputation in which I’m able to gain my certifications back, my records expunged, and most of my past jobs including even more jobs back into my reach. As you also mentioned you blame Governor Canine for the nomination, but I also disagree with that statement. Governor Canine didn’t even want to nominate me in the first place when the Chief Justice first recommended me after finishing my rigorous Justice training/process. It took 2 months before Governor Canine was convinced. It took several Supreme Court Justices to dm him and beg for him to nominate me considering the incredible need of District Court Justices in the lowest court of the Judicial Branch in which surprisingly the highest court (the supreme court) has more justices than the District Court (the lowest court). After the Supreme Court begged over and over again, even having one Supreme Court Justice threaten to resign he gave in and believed I had what it took and believed the Supreme Court’s judgement.

The problem with the Judicial Branch at the moment is the fact that either A. There isn’t anyone wanting to become a Justice or B. People that do want to become a Justice aren’t even close to the competency level the Supreme Court strives for them to be at. Even after rigorous training and such. There just isn’t enough people that are that knowledgeable in the field of law. Fortunately when I saw the Judicial Branch crying for help after several announcements of them needing Justices I took my BAR Certification to good use and applied to become a Justice. I didn’t need any training whatsoever and I passed my mock trial the first try “with flying colors” according to the Supreme Court. I am what they need. Declining my nomination would be an ignorance and slap on the face for the Judicial Branch. The Executive & Legislative Branch have enough employees now it’s time to fill the Judicial Branch employees with competent & capable Justices.

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