Moderation Suggestion for forums

On mobile so this will not be long.

Have a unlisted thread, where replies to peoples threads that arent relevant, would be put. Constant offenders get warned and keeps threads sharp

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That’s an interesting idea. @anon54114525


Would keep threads from derailing and topics open. Where they could be closed due to comments of others. This, junk replies would be moved off and thread stays good looking, and to the point.

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I am so confused.


If someone replies to a thread that is not relevant to the original forum/thread, their comment would be put on an unlisted thread no-one can see, so the comment is “gone” basically.

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but i can delete comments?


bUt i cAn dElEtE cOmMeNtS?

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I guess it was for a quicker way of doing things. So moderators don’t have to hand-pick comments to delete? And so they’re removed instantly. No-idea, these are my thoughts on his comment.

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I think his solution is more for quick fixing.


Also keeps track of who ur constant offenders are

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