Minecraftcaleb53 & BookBat3333 - Keeping Prominence Great

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I have decided to run for mayor alongside BookBat3333. Thus, here is a little bit of background on who we are because I feel it is important for y’all to know a little bit about us.

Minecraftcaleb53’s experience:

  • Firestone State Patrol: Lieutenant
  • Firestone Department of Corrections: Senior Correctional Officer (formerly correctional officer x2)
  • Firestone Peace Officer Standards and Training: Instructor (x3)
  • former Firestone Business Owner
  • Prominence District Council (x2)
  • Firestone National Guard: Staff Sergeant

BookBat3333’s experience:

  • Prominence District Police: K9 Officer
  • Prominence District Council
  • Firestone State Patrol: Trooper
  • Firestone Peace Officer Standards and Training: Junior Instructor
  • former Firestone Business Owner
  • Firestone Department of Corrections: Correctional Officer I

Why should you vote for us? Well to put it simply, we are for the people. We want to maintain the District of Prominence to the fine gem it is today. Especially with our contributions toward this amazing city.

You might be wondering, “Well what did you contribute to this city?” Well, especially in our recent tenure in the District Council, we have ensured Prominence District Police had the right successor for former chief ScottMcCallaster, ensured that Scriblelz was the right candidate for Deputy Mayor, and taking part in removing bars from the District Charter, giving all citizens a fair and equal chance to hold office.

If we are elected, we will upkeep the positive legacy that T_xom had and improve on where he lacked. In addition, we will help ensure that the streets are kept safe, be the voice of the people by working closely with the council and even with business owners in order to make the District of Prominence to be both safe and prosperous.

Thank you for your support and let’s keep Prominence great!

Support! This will be an exciting race

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Our office shalt thank you for your support and agrees that this will be an exciting race!

Im a true floridan, and I approve this message.

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hell yeah brother

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Our office is pleased to accept the approval!


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I’d support your campaign if Bookbat wasn’t your running mate, but best of luck to you! @Minecraftcaleb53

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sur support

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Our office is pleased to accept your support!

Our office is happy to accept your unwavering support!

Our office is happy to see you support these wonderful candidates!

We are sorry to hear that but thank you for your wishes!

Our office is happy to accept your amazing support!


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Our office is happy to accept your amazing support for these amazing candidates!

Our office is happy to accept the support for this amazing individual! (For context, he was aware about the candidacy)