MD Boat will not move after getting back into the boat [V2]

The Problem:
When you get off of the MD boat, and then go to get back on, there is a tendency that it will break and you won’t be able to move any direction but backwards occasionally.

Expected Result:
You should be able to do what you have to do off the boat, get back into it, and drive off again.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Spawn in the MD boat
  2. Get in it, drive around a bit
  3. Hop out
  4. Hop back into the seat, try to move. You won’t be able to.

Pictures/videos that show the problem and reproduction steps.


to add further clarification: this bug ONLY happens when you’re near the shore, and does not require you to get out. you can just be driving along and it suddenly stops because you’re too close to the shore.

unsure if its a roblox physics thing or just v2 terrain, but still a bug so atleast an attempted fix would be greatly appriciated

its been reported with sar and dobw boats too. unsure with cg, but i’d presume them too. (i feel like ive seen it happen on another game, but I cannot confirm)

for dev investigation purposes: it sometimes gets out using reversing or A/D sideways steering, but not always.

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Had this issue as a civ, it’s a new feature according to @blaadam to stop people taking boats on land. if you touch the land at all then it’ll break your boat, so its probably just a bit hypersensitive or something


what the guy above said and yea it has to be fine tuned its kinda annoying


@TheFirestoneBandit @chuableloverr I’ll look into it

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