Matthew for House of Representative

Dear Citizens of Firestone,

I’d like to formally announce my campaign for the House of Representatives. My election speech can be found below.
Introduction - About Me:

Let me start my speech off with a little introduction about myself. As you probably already know, my name is Matthew and I’m currently a Middle Class Citizen in the State of Firestone. I’ve been in Firestone since 2016, and have had multiple different experiences.

First off, I was the former Secretary for the Department of Health, and then the Deputy Secretary for the Department of Public Safety under Secretary KingRioMatthew. Aside from those Government Official positions, I’ve been in LEO departments, as well as a short stint within the Stapleton County Fire Department when I first joined Firestone.

Although I have many experiences within the FS departments, I’ve never been in a Congressional position before, but I want to start off my political career. Outside of ROBLOX, I’m very active within my local government and have a real-life interest in possibly pursuing a political career. Not only will having a H.O.R seat benefit me, but it will also benefit the great Citizens of Firestone who deserve so much more then what they’re currently getting.
Goals as House of Representative:

Shall I be elected into a House of Representative spot, I will work very closely with the citizens of Firestone, as well as other representatives and senators to overall improve the State of Firestone. One of my top priorities as a House of Representative is gun control. Today, it is very easy to obtain a licence to carry a legal firearm and it can be easily abused, as well - putting lives in danger. With me as a House of Representative, I can assure you that there will be better gun control laws in the State of Firestone.

With that being said, I want to listen to YOU, the Citizens. I know a bunch of other Candidates say that, but I truly mean that. Shall I be elected into the House of Representatives, I will always be open to inquiries from Citizens regarding laws and other important things. I won’t ignore you. It is my honest intention to better the State, and not make it worse.

I have many other goals that I will list shall I be elected into the House of Representatives.
Why should you support me?

As previously stated, I want to work very closely with the Citizens because in the end, the Citizens are what makes up the State of Firestone. Without them, the State of Firestone would be nothing. There are many many unhappy citizens out there because of laws that aren’t in place yet that should be. Trust me - I understand your frustration. I WILL fix that, regardless if I’m elected or not.

Another beneficial reason you should support me is because I’m very active on both ROBLOX and Discord. You will always have a way to contact me.
Clearing Things Up

From this day on, I am wanting to change and become a better person in general. I’m moving on from those rough past experiences, and I hope you do too.

If you don’t support me because of that, I completely understand. I just want you to know that I have changed from this point on and I won’t let you down.


If you wish to support, reply with Support. If you have any questions, please direct them to me and I’ll be more then happy to answer them!


Full Support.



Fully supported,



Full Support and Endorced.

Former SCSO Lieutenant, POST JI, Mxtt_Bear



Former DoBW Secretary, Former DPW Head Supervisor, Pondzery


Full support,

Firestone Department of Corrections Sergeant



Firestone State Patrol Lieutenant,


Support and Endorsed,

House of Representatives


BUMP - typing more because apparently I can only post things more then 5 letters.

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Amazing Forum, Amazing Candidate, Amazing Future.

Full Support,
Avery Wlodarczyk M.D, Federal Protective Service, Officer
Firestone Department of Homeland Security
State of Firestone


Aw, thanks!

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Don’t fail me like Jason

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Middle Class Citizen and DoT Employee Genner0072 supports. (Does not have account.)

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Middle Class Citizen iiMaxxy2 supports. (Does not have FS Fourms account.)

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