Markehabashi for County Council

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,
My name is Markehabashi. As most know I am the current Firestone Bureau of Investigations Deputy Director. I feel I should run for county government since when was the last time you saw the county government do anything? When was the last time you saw the county government active, well that end now. The county government should and WILL be revived with everyone running for county council. First off we need dedicated,hard working, and active people for county council to revive the county government. Most may know me for the recent controversy between the FBI and affiliate departments. That has ended I wrote a 3 page apology to everyone involved you can always dm me in discord for it. My username is “markehabashi#4143”. Anyways some of those allegations were indeed false and I assure you nothing like that will happen again. But I do admit I did cause drama. I am not planning on joining county council for “power” or just to say i’m county council. I’m joining to revive the county government with the other dedicated and hardworking candidates. I feel everyone should have a second chance as I admit I did mess up, but no one is absolutely perfect are they? Please forgive me I assure you it nothing like that would ever happen again, and those agents were fired. Now coming away from the FBI my promises for county council to to help revive the county government, but I can’t do that alone without the help of my fellow candidates and fellow voters. I won’t be here today without the help of a lot of congressmen who encouraged me to run for county council. The county government is still very workable we just need the right people to work for the county government. We first off need new DEDICATED and ACTIVE mayors. 2nd we need a new Sheriff. Those are the 2 major topics that I feel I will touch on if I win a spot as a councilmen.

Previous occupations,
SCSO Deputy First class
SWAT Operative
Community Relations Deputy Director (x2)
Current FBI Deputy Director.

Some stuff I believe need to fixed are,

  1. New sheriff, we need a new and dedicated SCSO Sheriff that won’t resign every 2-3 weeks. Having a stable department head is how departments thrive and be successful with more members and a better reputation.

  2. New and city mayors that are dedicated and actually qualified for the position. When was the last time you saw a active and well organized city mayor? I don’t recall ever seeing one. Well that ends now, to many unqualified people are becoming city mayors and that hurts the county government EVEN MORE. I assure you that will change immediately.

  3. Get the public’s opinion on the county government. Ask what they want to be changed. The public is #1 when it comes to decisions. It’s about what public wants to happen not the councilmen themselves. As long as its reasonable and possible I can make new bills and laws based off of what the public citizens want.

Thank you to everyone who believed in me and what I do. I ask the public to show forgiveness and forgive my actions and give me a 2nd chance in my Firestone Career. Thank you.

Councilman Candidate.


Full support

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I believe you have the potential to run for county council successfully, but this forum, your election ‘speech’ is only clearing up your past mistakes and troubles, and does not state your plans or what you are planning to do to better the county.



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yes <3

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Support <3

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eh idk

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Support :eyes:

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Check now I changed it up a bit.

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Ok, Signed

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Just be smart with the decisions and votes you make, that’s all I ask for as a citizen.



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FDOT Supervisor


Fuck yes, support all the way.


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ok really

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Support big time

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SCSO Undersheriff

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