Make Redwood Right! Vote scincecat20!

Hello, I am scincecat20 and I am running for Redwood City Council. I belive that I would be a great fit for this office as I have experience and I have a plan on how to make Redwood right!


I have been in Firestone for over two years, and have been an active community member since I started. I have worked many jobs including:

  • Bloxy Cream
  • Bears First Transit
  • Metro State Security
  • Department of Boating and Waterways

I am currently employed in the Department of Public Works as a senior public employee, Capital Gas as a gas technician, and I am the CEO of Firestone Cruises.

With my experience in blue-collar and white-collar jobs, I believe I can relate and work well with the working class of Firestone and Redwood

My Plan

My plan if I am elected is to help the people of Redwood. I believe if I work with law enforcement and other public services I can make redwood a safer for its citizens and state employees working in Redwood. I will make sure to make the public more aware of incidents in Redwood. I will take any advice or answer any questions that any citizens may have.


In conclusion, I hope to make Redwood a better place. With my experience in the many jobs in Firestone and Redwood, I believe I would understand the people I represent. I hope I will have your vote and remember,
Make Redwood Right!


Support! Good luck


Bear4Down12 supports!
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torso supports
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T0XIC_R3DACT3D supports!

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Do you believe the City of Redwood is stable in its current state?

How will you do this? Do you intend on adding some emergency announcement system?


I believe the the emergency announcement system was the first of many systems that should be added to redwood. I believe that if the city government should have weekly press release with detailed accounts for incidents (bank robberies, hostage situation, ect) can show the people of Redwood how the city government reacted and how law enforce works to people the people safe.

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Candidate did not reach the required number of supports in the allotted time.

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Election over