Make post easier and make expunging records easier

imo it ruins the gameplay experience, post doesn’t have to cut stuff out but just make it alot faster, and easier to explain.

My brother in Christ literal 12 year olds have graduated POST


I was literally 12 when I graduated POST iirc


Back in my day, we didn’t have these fancy notes that POST published, we had to take actual notes and sometimes Instructors didn’t teach materials that was on the final exam, you had to do your own research to find the answers.
It’s so easy to graduate POST that people like denis6545 have graduated POST in recent months.

POST is the easiest thing ever…

its not that hard tbh… compared to ridgeway mayflower.

Expunging records is already easy enough my guy. All you do is fill out a form and then wait a few weeks. Your saying to make it easier because you keep on committing crimes every time you fill out the form.

hey it’s denisdaily :rage::rage::rage::rage:


dude post is a cake walk


How can they make expunging your records easier, there’s like 4 different ways to get expunged now not just good cause or time based where you had to wait 60 days if you accidentally did a felony, now you can do like 1 crime and get expunged (albeit it has to be your first time)


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