Lots of people were angry after Fed said that the trains would be automated, but if it’s done right I think it’s a good idea. If trains are automated then lots of trains can be active at one time, so it’ll actually be used, but to do this a bunch of problems with the physical track need to be fixed
The red lines are spans of track with only one track which should be replaced to have two so there aren’t any delays caused by conflicts with trains going in different directions. The blue spots are level crossings on streets which should be removed, which I have suggestions to replace
The three crossings in Greendale can be avoided entirely by moving the station to be across from SCSO station 2 and continuing the track into a tunnel in the circled area
The crossing at the lumber place in Arborfield can be turned into an underpass where trains go under the road, a whole tunnel isn’t necessary
This crossing by the meeting center in Prom makes the intersection a mess, and can be avoided by moving the meeting center station underground and making the trains go underground on the tracks circled in blue closer to the depot. The tracks circled in yellow can stay above ground for the purpose of storing/ turning around trains
This crossing at FS 95 near the farms can be removed by continuing the bridge that goes over FS 98 and terraforming the hillside a little bit
The place circled in purple in the first image is the beach, which would be nice to have a station there but isn’t 100% necessary
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