my name is IvanVladimirovich and I’m running for the house of representatives
my former username was donxId
my plans:
do what i was doing before
work hard and make everyone happy
do what citizens tell me to do
listen to governor dyingsym
my experience:
former representative (x3 term)
I miss the house so much. Please elect me. Thank you!!! happy april fools day to everyone too. Now, on a serious note, i will listen to everyone. I will ensure good laws are passed and will ensure everyone is listened to.
he saved me from a burning house and caught my dog when i dropped her to save her from the fire, he got into a Lamborghini and gave it to some homeless man on the street in redwood.
I’ve never heard of this name before, who even are you? Maybe you should try to get some experience in a municipal government first. I also prefer candidates who know how to catch a USB, how are your USB catching skills?