LumberUPS_com for Arborfield City Council

Howdy! I am LumberUPS_com, and you can call me lumber. I have decided to run for a position within the City of Arborfield Council because I believe we as a community can strive to improve this wonderful city, and I would love to have a significant role in this process. I have been planning on getting involved within the Firestone government for some time, and I hope this can be the beginning of something great for both myself & the community.

About me
Although many of you are not aware of who I am, I have been around the state since late 2017, officially starting my career in early 2018 after graduating from POST class 29. Though at this time fully retired as an FFA applicant, my experiences & achievements are the following;

State Jobs;
Stapleton County Sheriffs Office: Deputy First Class
Firestone National Gaurd: Military Police Sergeant
Department of Homeland Security: Federal Protective Services Chief, Secret Service Agent.
Local business jobs;
Applebees: Server
Church of Greendale: Security

Though I lack experience in the political spectrum, serving the state for just about three years as a law enforcement officer has given me a lot of knowledge regarding how the state functions, the people’s needs, wants, laws, and what it means to climb the ranks and become a leader to people. You can expect total transparency from me. I will work to earn the community’s trust and ensure their needs are my priority, that I will dedicate adequate time to Arborfield’s continued growth and success.

My plans
As mentioned before, I will be dedicated to this role as I have a passion for this. I will be actively participating in all ways I can;

-Establishing active communication with the community for ideas, opinions, what the community as a whole wants, especially that of the Stapleton County Sheriff’s office & Fire department for potential bill proposals that work to benefit them, making their job easier and the city safer.

-Actively attending sessions & ensuring beneficial; key bills have my vote, so they are quickly passed.

-Working with other members of the city council to review laws, the City chart, local ordinances, and so on to ensure overall quality

-I believe Arborfield has a lot of room for growth. Not just as far as laws are concerned, but from a functional, active community standpoint. I will ensure I keep a strong connection with business owners and the others within the city council, encouraging owners and potential business owners to take advantage of some of the fantastic, unused structures within the city to get them up and running

Conclusion (TL;DR, I have been discharged from a department before)
I thank you all for taking the time to review this. As promised before, I believe in transparency. Before you potentially give me a vote, it is worth noting that although I served as a law enforcement officer for such a long time, keeping a clean record, I was discharged from the Department of Homeland Security back in October of 2020. Disappointed, I remained absent until August of this year. As mentioned before, I picked back up activity within the community and currently working to re-build myself through FFA to start a path as a firefighter. I would go into details, but I still do not have sufficient evidence regarding my discharge, although I tried reasoning with it. I hold no grudge against the Department, and I have not pursued any actions against them. I trust that the Department of Homeland Security’s high command at the time would only fire me for an appropriate reason, so I never took it any further. Regardless, I am making efforts to serve my community again and would love a chance to serve as your councilman!

Feel free to ask and questions here or pm me at LumberUPS_com#7310






support you spelled guard wrong




Why? What was the offically-stated reason for this?




good question, official reason given by former Secretary Colorful_parrots was “Sharing and publicizing of private and classified documents (Risk to State Security)” .

As stated in my post, I did reason with the discharge due to no evidence ever being presented to me from the DHS administration upon request, even though I was issued 24-hours to challenge it. I genuinely have no idea what they were about or what I could have shared that was classified. Formerly being a part of the DHS high command for well over a year, I would never intentionally expose or share private/classified department information.

When I say I ‘challenged,’ I refer to when I took the matter to the Deputy & Associate Secretary (not to be confused with the current administration, they have stepped down) and requested evidence or any relevant information regarding the termination. I was ignored until my 24-hour window was up to which I gave up on trying to reason with it.

Again, I never took further actions legally. I just went with the flow. Even though, in my opinion, the administration handled my termination very poorly, working aside them for as long as I did, I somewhat trusted colorful_parrots judgment (Sec at the time). If proof needs to be provided, it can be as I can see how my termination can cause questioning into the integrity of my character. Still, I believe it was a mistake, incompetence on my end. I can only assure you that I will not make that same mistake again and hope to fully regain the community’s trust for those who question it. I did not list the administration’s names from the time as I do not see it relevant as I do not plan on taking any action’s regarding my termination. It was long ago, and I have moved on unless the people request the information for further transparency.


Amazing. Support!


Tesla do you know who I am?


Yes, you’re the Deputy Director of Firestone Transit under Director RareRoski.


thick speech but support




Who tf are you to be saying ‘do you know who i am’

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No it wasn’t like that

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