Literally just a button to toggle weather

I think it is time to add a button in settings to turn the weather on or off. A lot of people could use it to help performance, give better conditions for ASU, and it could help a ton in public events that are outside. A lot of people have been complaining about it as of recent. LEOs, and Civilians in particular.

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Doesn’t really seem like a great idea because this is unrealistic, however this is something SCWS could be helpful for if they were given opportunity to change weather ahead of events, and to set up RP scenarios

sort of what i wanted to go for, i just wanted better performance like a lot of other people

This wont be added because like bacon said, its unrealistic, and can be abused (for example ASU/FAA not allowed to fly heli’s in stormy weather, but toggling the weather means they then can fly) and vice versa with crims

its absolutely pointless because weather during events/similar stuff isnt deep, just wait for the weather to change in which it does

SCWS isnt God and cant ‘‘change’’ weather…?

maybe just make it so you cant have rain-like weather twice in a row since he depicted that weathers can repeat over a long period of time