Bullshit. I listened to what a Canine had to say, because it was interesting. He asked me legal advice regarding possible scenarios, I answered. I had a total of maybe 10 messages in the group chat before being removed.
However, as a token of goodwill. I will apologize to @NicoloSkrt for this shit show he’s in, not a bad guy. I will also divulge the information I was given.
Canine DMed me one morning regarding his conspiracy by the “FurryGang.” I mean, wouldn’t you at least listen to the whole story? I did. He claimed that the aforementioned individuals had some plan to take over the Gov (Nico would be Gov, Straphos Lt. Gov, Pew was Sheriff somehow). I stated there really wasn’t evidence to back that up. He asked me about the coup laws. It was about this point I got in the group chat with him and the others. They brung up an old video of you on that traffic stop near Fed’s and that whole thing claiming the “gang” defended you. That’s where my participation was out. I posted a few memes in the chat. Noticed a few days later I wasn’t in it anymore. @iMeepler