I come to you tonight with a claim that might just be at the base of many of the solutions that we’ve been having with employees of firestone, ranging from the Department of Public Works to the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office.
We drop the ideology of roleplay within this state as a whole and move to a development based gameplay ideology.
Why would we ever do this? Let’s take a look.
Civilians in the State of Firestone literally have nothing to do, which is why roleplay exists - to stimulate the examination with two or more people in the idea of roles being set and people playing out scenarios. While Firestone triumphs in certain aspects of this, such as equipment for all the other teams that aren’t civilians, we struggle and argue a lot when it comes to items that would appear to be realistic, but then would not be. A primary example, and what sparked this article among several other incidents similar, is the kidnapping feud with public service employees and the Founder of the state. He claims that kidnapping of Firestone employees is FRP and should result in termination from the department. To all those anti-fed people, while this may be a perfect time to show how much of a ‘dictator’ fedora may be, ALL of this conflict can be avoided if we drop the idea of roleplaying in general and move to a more physical style of gameplay. If a game is controlled by players and what they text, it’s guaranteed to go wrong, and that’s the end of it (not to mention the MASSIVE FRP epidemic we’re dealing with.) We need to move to a style where if the development and mechanics of a game don’t allow a person to be kidnapped or mutilated or spit on or whatever your imagination may conjure, then it doesn’t happen, irrespective of what the fuck he or she may chat. For example, if I kidnap Sheriff Noctilate with the works ‘-kidnaps-’ but physically can’t do that with the given game mechanics, then my chat is considered to be ignored as RP (would) no longer be enforced.
What if we had a committee of people. 6-7 people and then the co and founders. They all sit down and discuss pros and cons and vote on rules to be edited deleted or added
kinda had a talk with a friend about how roleplay doesn’t exist in firestone anymore really. It’s impossible to roleplay as a criminal in firestone and have fun without being teleported to jail in some way or form. Don’t you like it how if you are being kidnapped you can just record your game of you being kidnapped and use it as a case to file a lawsuit =D
I agree. It’d be nice to get a NLR or something in firestone to prevent that and also to make recording when you have no tools to do such with FRP. Doubt that Fed will listen considering his latest FRP rule though…
stop complaining about fucking fed
he’s the founder. he made the game
he can do whatever the fuck he wants
want to know why? because he made firestone
and guess what?
being the founder. he owns the state
stop complaining, it isn’t going to do anything because fedora owns the state
if you have issues with fed, don’t play the game, because it’s his game
After The Flash, which I’ve been playing nonstop for the last month or so, has a policy where you’re required to type out any action in more than two words.
You can’t just walk up to someone and say “I punch” or “I smack” or “I punch you” or anything similar, it has to be specific, “I punch you in the gut”.
You additionally can’t put more than one action in a sentence, so you have to roleplay out each separate action (“I punch you in the gut, and roundhouse kick your head, knocking you out” would be void, “I punch you in the gut”, and “I roundhouse kick your head, knocking you out” would be valid)
The player has to have ample enough time (at least 3 seconds) before they are able to continue any RP actions in the event the player is able to counter their actions.
Implementing a similar system would be better for roleplay in general, imo.