Let us remove accidental tickets

[You can add arrests], I want to discuss mistaken citations. I posted a suggestion yesterday about having a warning. But since it might be unlikely I wanted to allow officers who made a mistake and sent a half-filled LOVID to remove them after 1 hour of sending it. Other ways could be to talk with the LEO’s supervisor and get the person’s record removed. This will help many people, not just the officers but the citizens. Since they will get a double citation[The unfinished and the finished one]. Now, what are your thoughts?

Read my other discussion: Add a warning message in the arrest tool/Citation book.


Just do your job better instead?


It’s not about that, even if you try your hardest there is a high chance that it can happen. Don’t trust yourself too much. Now, I’m not asking that they should remove false citations , but mistaken ones. In other words, a citation which we didn’t intend to submit since we were filling out the LOVID.


or they can get it expunged and you can testify it was an accident instead.


Throughout my 20 months of service in the SCSO and many citations I’ve ever issued, I never really clicked submit accidentally.