Legal debate topic: Kidnapping on busses

I don’t think it would be considered kidnapping because of a few main reasons.

1: Wouldn’t a FDOT employee just stop at the nearby bus stop and drop you off?

2: Why would a FDOT employee want to kidnap an entire bus of people he or she does not know.

However if a FDOT employee did intentionally kidnap certain individuals, not stopping and taking them somewhere they don’t want to go I think that would be considered kidnapping. (and taking people to illegal locations is prohibited in FDOT)

I forgot.

Threatening passengers lives meanwhile taking them off to an illegal location with high levels of danger or putting them in literal complete danger would also be considered kidnapping.

.Legal Consequences

Here is what I think should be the fate of bus drivers in FDOT that kidnap. (or attempt to atleast)

They should be permanently blacklisted from FDOT and should have a fair court trial before the blacklist and some other things involving felonies or something.

But in the end the judge should decide the punishment and how severe it is going to be.

Edit your post if you need to add something ^

Lidels ngl you take your job more serious than anyone else so you can’t really criticize a judge for doing his job. - Philip

With all due respect, you have no place to talk about taking things too seriously.

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@buen_rollo @Philip_Forth Yes, I do take my job very seriously.
Take a look at yourselves and where you’ll be in the next week, for example.

Next week I’ll be on vacation

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