Leave of Absence


Official Letter of Leave of Absence

Representative GetEnveloped

February 15, 2018

Intended to the Office of the Speaker of the House, and Citizens of Firestone:

Whereas, Section III, Article VI of the State of Firestone Congress states:

An individual may put forth an inactivity notice, advising of how they may be inactive for reasons plausible, which may only last for a maximum of fourteen (14) days; though an individual may only put forth an inactivity notice no more than once every thirty (30) days.

On the date of February 15, 2018, at 3:00 AM Pacific Standard Time, I, Representative GetEnveloped, shall be using my constitutional right to take my leave until March 1, 2018 at 3:00 AM Pacific Standard Time, exactly fourteen (14) days from the start of this notice. This leave shall be active until the time expires on the said date, or I repeal the notice on an earlier date. The reason for my leave shall be the following: personal and vacation.

Should the Speaker of the House deem the reason implausible, I will respectfully step down from Office on the exact time my notice be denied.

This inactivity only affects my attendance and participation within the Firestone Congress. Should there be any need for contact, Direct Messages on Discord are always open at GetEnveloped#0442. Forum operations and all other necessities will continue, but may be slower than usual.

Respectfully signed,
Representative of the State of Firestone



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bye :frowning:

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