LazyNEP For House of Representative

Hello I am LazyNEP I am announcing that I am running for House of Representative can you please take a couple minutes of you time and read my speech.

Section I: Who am I?/Background
Section II: Goals and Promises
Section III: Why choose me?

Section I

I have experiences in Firestone more than over 75% of the state. I am a former FDOT Deputy Secretary and DOC Corrections Officer along as a former Representative for the State of Firestone. Yes not many of you may have heard of me before because I left Roblox for a short time but I came back and decided I want to do something to help make a change this community but I cant elect myself I need your help so I can help you.

Section II


Crime rate is high for only THREE reasons; one there are no activities for citizens to enjoy in Firestone legally and they need money, two people with a criminal record already have no other choice but to do crime, third is that some people do enjoy crime. I cant see any other reasons that the crime is done actively in Firestone. The citizens deserve better and are what keeps this state running and we don’t want you to turn to crime because you have nothing to do. You have remained in the county doing nothing but driving around in the county and sitting at the car dealership.

The wages for citizens in the county are way to low. There needs to be a way for citizens to earn more such as being a private employee or doing acts around the county that earn you money. The lack of money coming in also leads to a higher crime rate.

Section III

Why pick me? I have been in Firestone since 2016 I am also pretty sure that there was only around 400 so people in the group when I joined. I am a former House of Representative so I already have the experience. I know both sides of being a law abiding citizen and a criminal so I understand how both feel.





support g


What actives do you have in mind to get people away from crime?



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Your plan for citizens to do activities and in turn earn money is honestly an issue to be solved by developers. The developers don’t always follow what congress passes when it comes to dev work in the county. To an extent I do not blame them either.

As for the wage, before I left the senate I did propose a legislation to raise the minimum wage up to 12 dollars. If you raise it much higher than that then a citizen who doesn’t work would be making more than some departments which isn’t very fair. You could raise each departments wages but then you would have to raise everything else which may get to high especially government officials.

I do very much agree that there should be a way for citizens to make a few bucks and give them something to do other than joining major departments such as giving businesses money. Not only would this help people earn some money but it will also help out our states businesses which would lead to more places to visit in the county and expand and give the department of commerce more activity. The only thing we can really do is cross our fingers and hope the devs will add a feature like this to v3 or maybe even v2 if we are really lucky.


If you are talking about what will I do to get people away from crime it would be to influence the amount of activities to do. Of course there’s limits such as development and I’ll be just a representative but we can push for change


boy if you dont get your crystalsweeper alt ass out of here


but i support you if you really do higher the wages


Bro you really think I’m crystals alt ok hop in discord


however, the only reason criminals like me want money is to get more guns to enjoy crime longer. dumbass.


Pretty sure I stated that some people just enjoy crime but ok


yeah we do and we also need money enable to continue our activity, and thats why we murder people for their cash



Representative, Jonathan_McKay.




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