Greetings fellow residents of Firestone, my name is l6vesome, and this post is to officially declare my candidacy for a seat in the Senate.
I am a very long term and active member of the state. I first played Firestone in 2018 and played as a criminal until mid 2021, when I became legal and applied to law enforcement.
Below is a list of all the experience I have gathered in my year of being a legal member of the state:
Arborfield City Government - Former City Advisor
Stapleton County Government - Former County Councilman
Firestone National Guard - Former 1st Lieutenant
Firestone National Guard Combat Aviation Battalion - Former Pilot
Firestone National Guard Military Police - Former Security Services Officer
Firestone Department of Homeland Security - Former Crisis Response Team Agent
Firestone State Patrol - Former Trooper
Arborfield City Police Department - Current Officer
Firestone Department of Corrections - Former Senior Correctional Officer
Firestone Peace Officer Standards & Training - Former Instructor (7 classes taught)
Firestone Department of Public Works - Former Public Employee
These are some of my biggest accomplishments within the state and the big wall of text may seem to qualify me for the job, however, I strongly believe my plans are far more important and urge you to read them.
Legislation Plans
I have many ideas for legislation that I will bring up during my term, the biggest one being a bill to redefine vehicular assault so that citizens are not able to give consent to being run over by a vehicle. This is very dangerous, and is in need of immediate change.
Businesses will be one of my biggest focuses should I be elected. I will introduce legislation to help businesses within the state, raise funding, and promote businesses within Firestone. I understand how hard it is to own a business, having owned one myself, and I will have a very open mind when it comes to this topic.
Finally, I have plans to protect the rights of those in legal trouble and those serving time in the Department of Corrections. I feel like we, as a state, have severely disregarded these rights and need to make sure everyone has equal representation and feels like their rights are respected.
Thank you very much for reading my speech. Whether you plan to give support, I still appreciate you taking the time to read this. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your support and remember to vote when the time arrives!
Former Lieutenant, Firestone National Guard