hello everyone. my name is kat4katrina, i have been active in the state since july 2017. i have done lots of things (trello), but today i am running for county executive!
i have plans for the county:
- listening to the citizens of the county and ensuring the well-being of county employees
- ensuring transparency, as all candidates do. especially through ensuring that weekly or bi-weekly press releases are done through the press office.
- working hand-and-hand with the department heads and municipal officials to ensure county operations run efficiently, without micro-managing.
- ensuring that the county council is prioritizing concerns from the public, staying active, and creating bills to address those concerns if need be
- being open to criticism, feedback, concerns, and suggestions
- working with the state government
- helping our businesses where they need it
in conclusion, thank you for taking the time to read all this. let’s make the county sane again.