Justice for Icebreaker

It isn’t to prove he was “wrongfully” terminated. It’s to prove that the terminator himself, 1superchris2, has wrongs too that need fixed.

I find this halarious. 4 of the best legal professionals all voted Aye for the disbarreement. This isn’t just Chris. This is 4/5 of all of the BLEE.


so… to find his wrongs are to find his mistakes?

Mr. Icebreaker is counted with x1 PROVEN count of perjury. He made sure that the articles he said were ok and/or fictional. Perjury stands for lying in the court. So as long as the statement was somewhat fictional, it counts. Just point out the mistakes that everyone made, it’s not just him.

If you have any other outstanding evidence of him committing perjury, glad to see it.

That made no sense unless this is a motivational speech

Hm, maybe it’s just a coincidence that 4/5 of the best legal professionals voted for the disbarreement? Have you even read the code of ethics?

Did you notice that icebreaker is being charged with one hell of a lot more then 1 count of perjury.

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I’d love to recall what you said there: “4/5 of the best legal professionals…

It isn’t the best nor perfect. Blacklisting shouldn’t be taken so he could someday retake his BAR exam as he always made sure the statement was alright. Although Academy might’ve been uncomfortable, he partakes in his response as well.

Did you notice that only one of them came back to his Discord ID?

That doesn’t make any sense at all but ok

From what I see, https://vimeo.com/user106675272 only goes to his true account.

These relate not to his Discord ID and if they have the video to prove that it goes, let me know.

Screenshot by Lightshot

Screenshot by Lightshot

Screenshot by Lightshot

Screenshot by Lightshot

Screenshot by Lightshot


Screenshot by Lightshot

Screenshot by Lightshot

MrAllen (COPY) - Google Docs

Section 1.
You day that most evidence provided is “unproven”. This is also exactly why one cannot admit Discord messages as evidence without getting the sender’s ID. This means that the DoJ will in fact provide Ice’s ID for every piece of evidence they admit during the court case against him. So just wait for that.

Section 2.
You say that it’s pretty much ok for Ice to tell his witnesses what to say, because he’s confirming with them if his fabricated narrative is ok. However, this makes absolutely no sense. Even if the things the witnesses say are factual, Ice still fabricated their narratives and basically told them what to say. Not only is this unethical, but it’s simply illegal. He is influencing the witnesses, who should simply report their account of what happened and not something one of the parties wants them to say.
You also make the point that chris violated the UCFA. Ok, cool. What does this have to do with Ice? This seems more like a jab at chris than an excuse for what Ice did. I’m sure that they would happily remove the CFLs of everyone who passed and do another CFCT, if you’d complain. But then again, you got your CFL at that session, so you wouldn’t want that, would you?

Section 2. Part 2.
First of all, I don’t see chris anywhere in that screenshot. Second of all, they’re just investigating Ice’s misconduct. If the DoJ wants to grant immunity to those that come forward about it, that’s their choice. Third of all, if you got a problem with someone and their behavior, file a complaint. Instead of just making jabs at them like this, you could choose to actually make some work out of it. If you truly think their behavior is out of line, just report it.

Section 3.
Oaths are not even close to the same thing as testimony. You’re just applying the laws in a complete incorrect manner here. What that bill is saying, is that judges don’t have to exactly state the oath as defined in the laws, as long as it’s similar. No, this doesn’t mean testimony can be different as long as it’s similar and, no, this for sure doesn’t mean that Ice can “modify” testimony and tell people what to say.

Section 4.
If they committed a crime, file a criminal complaint. Besides, I see no evidence here that for sure proves that either Academy or 5corp was involved, just like you accused the DoJ of providing evidence without ID in Section 1. A bit hypocritical, wouldn’t you say?

Section 5.
Ok so let’s assume everything you said about Academy and chris is correct. This still doesn’t excuse Ice. You can’t say “well they commit crimes too, so clearly Ice didn’t do anything wrong.” That’s just not how the legal system works. Also if people at CFCT’s don’t pay attention and don’t review the laws regarding firearms, that’s on them, not chris.

I hope this is enough feedback for you. If you have any other comments or questions, please feel free to let me know.


I dont understand how you can compare chris not giving a 3 day notice, to the multiple alleged (they are alleged, until he is convicted in a court of law) felonies that ice committed…

UprisingAmerican (the forum name is not up to date)

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You haven’t even answered my question on whether you’ve read the code of ethics of not.

Chris is asking for Icbreaker to be blacklisted from the Executive Branch, he going all in

If I did alter the time it was a slip of the mind instead of willful felonious conduct that was found in IceBreaker’s case (cc @Uncircuit @UprisingAmerican).

I will not comment further but we found way more than just one instance of this.

Also, I recommend that you go look at what a “crime” is.

A crime lands you in jail if you commit it.

Hopefully this helps.


Imagine accusing me of tampering with a witness… when the witness had already testified…


this is a pretty meme thread bro… are you trying to justify lawbreaker768’s actions by bringing up other stuff? idk bro seems a lot like it


Everyone makes mistakes… I am the first to admit that I am not perfect.

Did ice help you write this? (just curious)

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