Just some POST Things

EVOC was removed from the curriculum a few classes ago. When I taught, it was in Tier 4 I believe. There’s a limit as to how much POST can actually do teaching wise compared to a cadet’s ability. If the cadet isn’t able to uphold the standard they should as an LEO, they should not be graduating. My suggestion is some sort of stress-test. In county, it’s not as simple as the practical parts of post tiers, there’s way more going on. There should be stress tests hosted where it’s like a huge patrol simulation so cadets can actually feel the experience of there being multiple calls, distress signals, etc.

I understand there can be some difficulties implementing this, such as lack of attendance or resources, but it’s an interesting idea from my perspective.


ok but when do post apps open…


so basically you skipped a tier? noted


when school starts


it’s not as easy as you think especially with the terrible cars in game that some cops have to deal with


that’s true. the tahoes handling is awful


my alts been waiting 3 months for post to open, hurry up…


no not basically i DID skip a tier

i disconnected before we had to do evoc and they believed i attended the entire thing


POST should be really more hands on than speaking. Half of the time cadets don’t even use the notes they are are told and 9/10 it shows. Only Tier 2 should be a speaking lesson about the laws in our state and the fundamentals of being a law enforcement officer. The rest of the tiers should vary on the situations a police officer would normally experience


time to background check you starting now :3


women, im so bored of crimes and more bored of being bored. i just wanna be a cop


idk if instructors act overharshley, the cadets will be primed to think that and will behave harshly to citizens in county.

A few years ago, DOC did not require POST (there was a ‘POST session’ for applicants who hadn’t done POST, which would just cover the basics of stuff like faces and what not). There is likely a very good reason this was changed.


I changed Tiers 1 & 2 (I believe) to be just like this and it worked flawlessly. We’ll be implementing this change throughout all tiers as I do believe this contributes to Cadet quality tremendously.


A law enforcement council has been formed to work on the curriculum, certification guidelines, and to ensure better communication from the academy to the department heads. I believe that both POST & department heads are at fault, and I do believe that this council being formed will significantly reduce the amount of incompetent LEOs within the community.

It’s time for a new and reformed era in law enforcement, and it’s long overdue.


Instructors should act harshly, but there is a fine line between strict and disrespectful. We encourage our Instructors to act harshly to demonstrate the environment in V2, with the constant “NAME AND BADGE” and “SUPERVISOR” when you’re attempting to do something. It can be very stress-inducing, and the point of being harsh on Cadets is to get them used to these types of environments.

We will not be doing a “less advanced” POST class, everyone needs to know the basics. Departments will be instructed to teach material specific to their department. (i.e. we will not teach what DOC lockdowns are, how to handle riots, how to use spike strips, etc.)

EVOC; no. Reason is not all departments require pursuits. DOC does not do pursuits (often?). We don’t need to teach them how to go through an entire EVOC course when a correctional officer will never use it. Like I said in the prior post, we intend on teaching basics. Departments will be incharge of teaching material related to their department. FSP, for example, is mainly pursuit based so they will have to be EVOC heavy, versus SCSO which really should be staying in the cities and not taking part in pursuits that often.

Furthermore, this is just time-consuming and once again, useless to be taught at POST. It takes way too much of our resources and we do not have time to waste. We’re trying to shrink our curriculum and handoff specialized material teaching to departments.


yeah hopefully you can implement it on the more advanced tiers


my reference to evoc was meant as a reply to the previous post, sorry for causing confusion by putting that and my suggestion in the same post. when I was talking about difficulty I was referencing to my suggestion of a stress-test.


DOC is a secondary department and as a former correctional officer, the bridge could be obstructed either by a Lockdown or people who obstruct a section of the road and plowing through is not the best idea. EVOC requires cadets to maneuver. Yeah DOC protects the prison but they also do Greendale patrols as you know, the PT, or SERT when they are looking for an escapee from the facility. So it is better if EVOC is included for POST.


So DOC goes into Redwood, Prom, and Arbor chasing someone around the map?

EVOC is NOT a driving test, it’s for PURSUIT testing.


bruh my instructor legit failed evoc himself when we did it

don’t remind me about the parellel parking that day…