Just some POST Things

Well, let me just start off with I don’t need any arguments or just stupid little things on this forum post or ill just simply delete the whole thing.


Lets start off with just yes everyone has a real life and roblox is just a game and things like that. Simple. Me simply not really caring about my life, ive focused and been in POST for a year and 6 months now. (I do care about my life alot more now, dont worry)

Anytime I get the chance, I try working on things myself or just making little notes whenever Im just doing something to just try and help POST to its best ability. POST is a training academy to train people that want to become LEO’s. Im sure many of you noticed the rate of LEO’s have literally dropped all the way to hell just to say hello to the damn devil.

Everyone makes mistakes and mistakes are made every single day of everyones lives. Even I make mistakes and i just keep trying to push through and just try and not focus on it so much and just continue with the task at hand. Overall, me and my administration have been working on multiple things just trying to make the LEO rate go back up and simply make it better.

For example:
Curriculum Updates
Taking Suggestions
Working on the application
and much much more.

Overall, we are just trying to reform it into a way that we can just help LEO’s rate of hell come back to heaven. If you don’t believe in that just think of going to the ice cream shop getting the ice cream that used to taste like literal shit and then you go the next time and it tastes so much better. (I am sped, I am so sorry.)

Also, you cant just expect us to just snap our fingers and work on stuff ASAP. Things take time guys. Im sorry >_<

Also, let me say sorry for if you have noticed ive been stressing? or just being annoyed more often and things like that. Im sorry for that btw. Its just a lot to carry when you are still in recovery from surgery and still getting 4 treatments every month.

But mainy, please just drop some comments on like suggestions and legit ill read them and just see what we can do. anything counts, and i know some of you have really good ideas.

Also, the next POST class will be opening fairly soon. if you dm me “when will it open” i will simply not answer :).

Have an amazing day everyone and just thank you for taking this time to just read this .



Honestly POST isn’t the problem, cadets just need experience coming out of post:




My recommendation is to have the staff team a little more strict, since I was at the end of the Maximus era since instructors in class 41 would be very strict. The Lovelace era softened the instructor’s quality because of fearing him and the B_ear’s era where he did things that were effective but I believe didn’t notice how lenient each instructor was besides elite. Yes I know that this is a lego game, but if someone hates it, I am sorry but if that person wanted to become a real life LEO, they are going to need to get used to being yelled at. Probably another reason why some of the LEO quality as of right now is trash unless if you got some instructors who actually knew how to teach and be the ones that would own the place rather than cadets asking him/her about suggestions so it gets into their minds more so the cadet quality improves.


For sure thats what me and elite are going to be working on. The Instructors do have to be a bit more harsh and strict.


Yeah, it would definitely improve the quality. Since evidence from our older LEOs have been really good like how some people who were under max were really successful because they knew how to do their job, yeah there were a couple supervisor requests here and there but that is how they even achieved high rankings in a department if they stayed in it for a good long time since it was easy for the command to decide on them depending on their performance, activity, ect.


can we make it more engaging, instructors given a set of concepts to teach, and they will have their way to teach it. it’s like that in FFA, and in PCoL for 1 class. it would engage the applicants more, as well as having the applicants understand the concepts more instead of just screenshotting the information. i understand there had to be more discipline, but im sure you could work this in into post


yeah for sure, we can try pushing that threw. we just switched the curriculum to not just copy and paste. so now the instructor has to explain like its a legit class and things like that. but yeah for sure ill be keeping this in my thoughts.


god this is such a mood

good work nicole :slight_smile: i dont have any suggestions xdxd but hope youre recovering okay from ur surgery <3


I think the expectations for POST have always been very high. There’s only so much that you can teach in order to ensure the glorified idea of competence among law enforcement officers. Ultimately, I put more blame on departments for not properly responding to instances of incompetence and failing to put a firm stance on certain behaviors. I think POST should address department commands rather than attempting to resolve issues by addressing the entire law enforcement community. Its much harder for POST to crack down on certain behaviors and quite frankly, people don’t put much value into what POST has to say as opposed to what their department command has to say. At the end of the day, its pretty clear which departments respond better to incompetence and POST should make it clear that department commands are liable for addressing it appropriately.

POST has been very stable under your leadership and I have faith in your leadership and guidance.


Maybe there is a shorter less advanced POST Lite class for secondary departments like MP and DOC, its easier to get into and is a lot shorter, If you have it then you skip a few classes when you do the regular POST


ok but how to be cop?


doc is not becoming the mano county sheriff’s office


ok but when does post open?


my suggestion is use evoc to the fullest. 7/10 officers can NOT drive. that or it’s lag, but you shouldn’t be patrolling you’re lagging or your pc is just shit. nonetheless, they need driving lessons, i also suggest the staff team be a lot more strict on the cadets. they’re a lot more lenient than I personally like which doesn’t help the cadets. what i’d do is issue pt, then still remove them after they complete it. and i digress. have a great night all <3

i bet this will get flagged for having sh-t in it…


i didnt have to take evoc :slight_smile:


now look at your car.


im pretty sure evoc was actually session 3 and i didnt attend session 3 because i lied


don’t come for the 8 fps gang before we come for you :eye::lips::eye:



I have been asking for that for weeks and each instructor says no, but I hope that is added.