Joxility for Senate, Valuing all opinions

And I will also be submitted a Civil Case agaisnt you for you have slandered me and posted rumors about me, I advise you take your comments down before I take this action.

Again like I said FBI and IO is dealing with this incident accordingly. If you have a problem with the FBI trying to talk to you over this incident go ahead and go to court. Like I said I wont mind going to court be my guest.

No, I will not take down these facts. The Citizenā€™s must know the truth and nothing else. Take me to court Iā€™ll gladly go.

This is not the relevant topic to be disucssing such get off my forum now, and delete your comments or I will be filing charges. IO is handeling it while you have turned it into Slander and false information.

@Markehabashi Just because your in a certin department doesnt mean your above the laws or can talk shit about other people, get off the forum if you dont like it, no one is forcing you to be on

Thank you for the support also I have screenshots of me actually being kidnapped and him being a liar.

The more you argue the more citizens donā€™t have trust within you take this into discord. @Joxility

First off it isnā€™t ā€œshit talkingā€ its the truth.

Slanders a crime BTW, an im a witness if he wants to pursue chargers

Like I said I will gladly go to court the Citizenā€™s have there right to know the truth period. See you in court.

See ya in court

Again like I said if he has a problem with me stating the facts I will gladly go to court.

Get off my forum now.

there is a diffeence between fact stating an slander, MR FBI

I Support, Believing that can be a good person to know

Sergeant of Firestone State Patrol

Thank you for the support

@pwnzorsausage Can we stop this please!

Stop arguing here bring it someone else.

Again I was never arguing I was stating the facts. Have a good day, see you in court.

Please leave my forum If you want to post about me do it somewhere else!